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Q: Suppose you have experimental to test the effects of temperature on seed germination as outlined in the study guide. if you do not reject your null hypothesis what conclusion can be reached?
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If you do not reject your null hypothesis what conclusion can be rejected?

Temperature does not affect seed germination rate.

Suppose you have experimented to test the effects of temperature on seed germination as outlined in the study guide If you do not reject your null hypothesis what conclusion can be reached?

temperature does not affect seed germination rate

How does an experimental conclusion compare to a theory or hypothesis?

A hypothesis is an educated guess and a theory is close to what a hypothesis is. A theory is the scientific process that is thought to be true. An experimental conclusion is the results to an experiment.

What are the three most important factors which control seed germination?

Temperature has the greatest effect on seed germination.

What must happen for to a hypothesis to become a theory?

A hypothesis become a theory if it is proved by experimental data. tested; conclusion (apex)

Why do scientists consider every hypothesis valuable A. A hypothesis requires no further investigation if it is proved by the experiment. B. A hypothesis can be used to explain a conclusion even if it?

B. A hypothesis can never be proven. It can be supported, unsupported, or partially supported by the experimental evidence. The experimental data resulting from a tested hypothesis can be used to formulate a new hypothesis.

What effect high temperature have radish germination formulate your hypothesis?

High temperatures can have a negative effect on radish germination as they can dry out the soil, reduce water uptake by the seeds, and inhibit enzymatic activity crucial for germination. Hypothesis: If radish seeds are exposed to high temperatures, then their germination rate will decrease compared to seeds exposed to optimal temperatures.

What is the difference between experimental and theoretical physics?

When theoretical physicists work on equations and don't test their hypothesis, experimental physicists test their hypothesis and verify their conclusion. Usually theoretical physicists work on things like black holes and string-theory when experimental physicists work on Newtonian laws.

What is a logical explanation of an observation drawn from prior knowledge or experience?

No. A conclusion is based on an experimental result, which attempts to explain how the prior information applies to a given hypothesis.

The scientific method is a problem solving process?

Yes it is used to solve problems. The steps are: 1. Ask A Question 2. Make A Hypothesis 3. Test The hypothesis 4. Analyze The Results 5. Experimental groups 6. experimental testing 8. Conclusion

What must scientist do if the hypothesis is not supported by experimental results?

You can perform the experiment again to check for errors. The best option is to just state in the conclusion the sources of error and why the experiment didn't support the hypothesis. Remember the hypothesis is only an educated guess.

What can happen once experimental data is analyzed?

Experimental data is an important component of any scientific paper.After looking at the data, we can compare that to our hypothesis and see if it matches to our tentative idea.Analysis of experimental data also helps us to draw a conclusion of an experiment.