

Best Answer

If you roll one cube, there are 6 possible outcomes.

If you roll two cubes, there are 36 possible outcomes. But if you can't tell

one cube from the other, then 1 - 2 looks the same to you as 2 - 1, so

there are only 18 different unique outcomes.

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Q: Suppose you were to roll a dicehow many different outcomes could occur as a result?
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What are 3 outcomes as a resuly of the Reconstruction?

what are 3 outcomes as a result of Reconstruction

How do i find the sum of outcomes in probability?

Select an experiment that has a random result rather than one that is deterministic. The result of the experiment is the outcome of the probabilistic experiment.

How many different outcomes are possible when flipping a coin and rolling a dice?

The coin can result in one of two possibilities. For each of those . . .The cube has 6 possibilities.Total possibilities for the coin and the cube = 2 x 6 = 12 .

How many possible outcomes would there be if eleven coins were tossed at once?

The answer depends on what the outcome comprises.If the outcome is simply a count of H and T, then there are 12 outcomes: 0H, 1H, 2H, ... 10H and 11H (with the corresponding number of T in each case).If the result for each coin is recorded individually, there are 211 = 2048 possible outcomes.There are many other results that can be defined, and the number of possible outcomes will vary according to the definitions.The answer depends on what the outcome comprises.If the outcome is simply a count of H and T, then there are 12 outcomes: 0H, 1H, 2H, ... 10H and 11H (with the corresponding number of T in each case).If the result for each coin is recorded individually, there are 211 = 2048 possible outcomes.There are many other results that can be defined, and the number of possible outcomes will vary according to the definitions.The answer depends on what the outcome comprises.If the outcome is simply a count of H and T, then there are 12 outcomes: 0H, 1H, 2H, ... 10H and 11H (with the corresponding number of T in each case).If the result for each coin is recorded individually, there are 211 = 2048 possible outcomes.There are many other results that can be defined, and the number of possible outcomes will vary according to the definitions.The answer depends on what the outcome comprises.If the outcome is simply a count of H and T, then there are 12 outcomes: 0H, 1H, 2H, ... 10H and 11H (with the corresponding number of T in each case).If the result for each coin is recorded individually, there are 211 = 2048 possible outcomes.There are many other results that can be defined, and the number of possible outcomes will vary according to the definitions.

What are some possible outcomes or costs to society that may result from drug and alcohol emergency room visits?

We have that stupid packet for science as well and we had the same question

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What are 3 outcomes as a resuly of the Reconstruction?

what are 3 outcomes as a result of Reconstruction

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Output is what is produced. Outcomes are the result of the output

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When an element splits, the process typically yields two or more separate components or outcomes. This can result in different paths or branches in a workflow, allowing for multiple possibilities or outcomes.

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An organism that receives different alleles for a trait from each parent is called a heterozygote. This means that the individual has two different versions of a gene, one from each parent, which may result in a variety of different phenotypic outcomes.

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Possible outcomes means things that can happen as a result of specific variables interacting together. Possible outcomes can be good or bad.

Will your grip affect how the ball goes?

Yes, your grip on the ball can affect how it is released and ultimately the trajectory and spin of the ball when thrown. Different grips can result in different outcomes such as speed, accuracy, and spin. Experimenting with different grips can help improve your throwing technique.

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Public perception of stingrays, I suppose.

What does predicting outcomes mean?

Predicting outcomes is telling what might possibly happen next.

A possible result of an experiment?

when you toss a coin three times, the total number of possible outcomes is