There are 3652 or 3653 days in ten years depending on the number of leap years in the ten year period. Similarly there are 5,258,880 minutes or 5,260,320 minutes.
ten years, one month
roughly 1034
ten months and 29 days
There are four years and ten months in fifty-eight months. One year is equal to twelve month and four years is equal to forty-eight months. When you subtract the forty-eight months from firsty-eight months, you get ten months.
There are 3652 or 3653 days in ten years depending on the number of leap years in the ten year period. Similarly there are 5,258,880 minutes or 5,260,320 minutes.
ten years, one month
70 a decade is ten years
One decade equals ten years.
roughly 1034
About 3650 (ten years)
One decade equals ten years, and nine decades equal 90 years.
a score
A decade is equal to ten years.To find the answer multiply 25 by 10.The answer is 25 decades is equal to 250 years.
ten months and 29 days
2135 / 365.25 (Gregorian days per year) = 5.861.. Not quite 6 years five years ten months and three weeks
A decade