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Q: Term for the dividing line between the lit and unlit parts of the Earth?
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How can you add five matches to six matches to make nine?

Answer: Mathematically, it is impossible to add five matches to six matches to result in nine matches.Logically, however, you can add five matches to six matches to make nine if one match is on fire, then you set that match on another match, and eventually both of those matches that were on fire burn themselves into ashes, leaving you with only nine unlit matches left.Answer: You lay out the 11 matches so they spell the word NINE.

If 2 pieces of string take 1 hour to burn how do you know when 3 quarters of an hour is up?

"First, you light both ends of one of the strings until it burns out. Then you light the second string on both ends and in the exact middle. The first string will take exactly 30 minutes to burn and the second one will take 15" I agree with the first part. If the string does not burn evenly, it will take 30 mins for both lit ends to meet. If not, then one would take longer than the other to meet which is impossible. Hence 30 minutes are up once the 1st string is gone. Now consider simply lighting the 2nd string in the middle... Who's to say that THAT particular half of the string does not simply burn up in 1 min and the other remaining half in 29mins? To conduct this accurately, one would need four lighters and triggers to set them off. Set alight to both ends of string number 1 whilst simultaneously setting alight one end of string number 2. Once the first string has burnt out after exactly 30 minutes, you know that there is '30 mins of string left' on string 2. Hence, one can apply procedure 1 onto the second string by lighting the unlit end, and the time it would take for both ends to meet is exactly half of 30, i.e. 15 mins, as explained above. Add the two together, hey presto!

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Term for the dividing line between the lit and unlit parts of earth?


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The moon disappears during the new moon phase, where the moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, causing the side of the moon facing Earth to be unlit.

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It will be a new moon. Since the moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, the Sun will be shining directly on the BACK of the moon, leaving the front (our side) unlit.

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An unlit area is typically referred to as a dark or dim area.

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The energy in an unlit candle is stored in the chemical bonds of the wax. When the candle is burned, these bonds break and release energy in the form of heat and light.

Can you get THC in system from hitting unlit bowl?

You can't technically hit an unlit bowl. If there was no smoke, then all you did was get a taste in your mouth for a few seconds.

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Does sucking on an unlit cigarette hurt you?

There is no evidence that suggests sucking on an unlit cigarette can harm you. The chemicals in cigarettes aren't inhaled except through smoke.