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Such a text layout is called right alignment.

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Q: Text that is flush at the right edge of the document with uneven left edges is called?
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Flush at the right margin with uneven left edges?

Right Aligned

When text is flush with the left margin and the text along the right side of the page is uneven this is?

Left-Aligned text entry.

What group of animals is called a flush?

The noun 'flush' is a collective noun for:a flush of ducksa flush of magpiesa flush of mallardsa flush of plumbers

Why are he cutting edges on diagonal pliers set at an angle?

It raises the handles so that a cut can be made flush with a flat surface.

What is the alignment of text that positioned so that both the left and right edges of the paragraph are flush with the left and right margins?

full justification

What is the alignment of text that is positioned so that both the left and right edges of paragraph are flush with the left and right margins?

full justification

What is the text that is flush with the left margin and has a ragged right edge?

No. Left aligned has a straight leftedge, Right aligned has a straight right edge, Justified has both left and right edges straight.

What is all diamonds called in poker?

A suited hand is called a flush.

What is it called when you put someones head in a toilet and flush it?

it is called a swirley

Does a two pair of ace beat a normal flush?

Two pairs of aces (called 4 of a kind) does beat a flush.

Who founded the fat flush diet plan?

Ann Louise Gittleman is the founder of the fat flush diet plan. She promoted her diet plan in the 2002 release of her book called "The Fat Flush Plan."

What are the various types of Darjeeling Black Teas?

Darjeeling Black Tea are produced in three main flushes.First FlushSecond Flush, andAutumn FlushBlack Teas of Darjeeling belonging to each of these flushes have different characteristics.First Flush Teas also called the Spring teas have a floral note.Second Flush Teas also called Summer teas have Muscatel characteristics.Autumn Flush Teas have a bolder liquor than Second flush teas. they too have muskiness but the array of aromas is less than that of the second flush.