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Q: That Simon could be seen as a representation of any other figure?
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In lord of the flies ch 9 what does Simon do to the figure on the mountainside?

In Lord of the Flies Chapter 9, Simon discovers that the figure on the mountainside is the dead parachutist. He frees the parachutist's lines from the rocks to allow the body to be taken away by the tide. Simon is the only one who realizes the true identity of the figure and tries to convey this information to the other boys, but tragically, he is misunderstood and killed by the other boys during a frenzied dance.

True or false the quran specifically forbids and representation of a human figure in painting or any other art form?


Is Simon really batty?

No, Simon is infact the Christ like figure in Lord of the Flies. He has the ability to "see the future" and is more quiet and solemn compared to the other boys. The boys think Simon is crazy becuase he is not like the rest of them.

In the novel The Lord of the Flies what does Simon represent?

Simon represents the voice of reason, spirituality, and innate goodness in the novel. He is a symbol of purity and enlightenment, contrasting with the darkness and savagery that the other boys descend into on the island. Ultimately, Simon's fate highlights the destructive nature of human nature when left unchecked.

What other ways could the egyptians organize a 360 day-year into months?

Ha ha ha. I never could figure that out it was way to hard for me to figure out even the Sub teacher could not figure it out......LOL...

Who discovered what he paratrooper really is On Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, it is Simon who discovers that the figure they have mistaken for the "beast" during a storm is actually a dead paratrooper. Simon is a character known for his empathy and deeper understanding of the situation on the island.

What is the difference between Ralph's and Simon's reaction to the skull explain why?

Ralph is repulsed by the skull, seeing it as a symbol of death and savagery. Simon, on the other hand, has a spiritual experience with the skull, seeing it as a representation of the inherent evil and darkness within humanity. This difference in reaction reflects Ralph's more rational and pragmatic outlook, while Simon's response is more intuitive and introspective.

In lord of the flies Why does Simon stand and act apart from the other boys Why does he not take sides How are Simon and?

Simon is portrayed as a mystical, introverted character in "Lord of the Flies," choosing solitude to contemplate the deeper meanings of their situation. He remains aloof from the power struggles and violence on the island, instead focusing on seeking understanding and connecting with nature. Simon is portrayed as a Christ-like figure, embodying spirituality and selflessness amidst the chaos and brutality of the other boys.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Other Side of Simon - 2012?

The cast of The Other Side of Simon - 2012 includes: Perry Fitzpatrick as Simon

What is the meaning of picture?

The art of painting; representation by painting., A representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, produced by means of painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc.; a representation in colors. By extension, a figure; a model., An image or resemblance; a representation, either to the eye or to the mind; that which, by its likeness, brings vividly to mind some other thing; as, a child is the picture of his father; the man is the picture of grief., To draw or paint a resemblance of; to delineate; to represent; to form or present an ideal likeness of; to bring before the mind.

How do you write the name Simon in Arabic?

This is simon. سيمون /sajmuːn/ or /siːmuːn/ Other possible spellings are سايمن /saːjman/ Biblical Simon is spelled as شمعون /ʃamʕuːn/ or Shamoun. I hope you could find correct orthography by comparing IPA pronunciations. You could download _PDMS_Saleem_Quran_Font which shows the name in calligraphic script.

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he knew the ways around tools, and carfts. he could make traps no other gods could figure out. -leah