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Q: The Greek word for many angles?
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Where does the word polygon originate from?

Greek: "poly-" from polus, meaning many. "gon" from gonia, meaning angle. Hence, many angles and implicitly many sides.

What is the origin of the word octagon?

The word 'Octagon' has been derived from the Greek word 'ὀκτάγωνον' (oktágōnon) which means eight angles. This is how the shape with eight angles was named Octagon

Are greek gods angles?

no in greek mythology there is no angles heros but no angles

How many adjacent sides does a pentagon have?

The word pentagon is from the Greek word "penta" meaning five. A pentagon consists of five sides and will have angles of 108 degrees.

What is the greek word for many?

the greek word for many is poli

What is the Greek root word for mathematics dealing with lines angles and solids?

The Greek root word for mathematics dealing with lines, angles, and solids is "geometry." It comes from the Greek words "geo" meaning earth and "metron" meaning measure, reflecting its origins in the study of measurements of shapes and spaces in the physical world.

How many angles can you find in THE?

There are 10 right angles altogether in the word THE

What is the latin word for Hexagon?

The Latin word for a hexagon is "hexagnum." The Latin word is derived from the Greek word "hexagnos," and they all mean "something with six angles."

How many sides and angles does a hexagon have?

A hexagon has 6 sides and 6 angles. The prefix comes from the Greek 'hex' for six.

How many right angles are there in THE?

there are 10 right angles in the word THE . Thank you for asking.

Where did the word triangle come from?

A triangle is a plane figure that has three sides and three corners that are called angles. "Tri" is the Greek root for the word "three". So "triangle" means "three angles" and describes the figure.

What Greek root means many in the following word polygon?

I'm pretty sure that -gon is the root word and it means angles. The prefix poly- means many and is most likely what you're asking for.