the prime numbers less than 10 are 2,3,5,and 7?
A single digit prime number
2 and 7 are prime numbers less than 10 that are factors of 42 and 70.
2 is the smallest prime number. 9 is the greatest composite number less than 10. The sum of 2 and 9 is 11.
The prime number less than 10 that, when added to either 10 or 20, results in a prime number is 3. When you add 10 to 3, you get 13, which is a prime number. Similarly, when you add 20 to 3, you get 23, which is also a prime number.
the prime numbers less than 10 are 2,3,5,and 7?
The greatest prime number less than 10 is 7. To have a difference, you need at least two values.
A single digit prime number
2,3,5 and 7
2,3,5 and 7
2,3,5 and 7
3, 13 and 23 are prime numbers.
The square of a prime number that is less than 10.
2 and 7 are prime numbers less than 10 that are factors of 42 and 70.
2 is the smallest prime number. 9 is the greatest composite number less than 10. The sum of 2 and 9 is 11.