The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on a number line. |a| means the absolute value of a. Basically, |5| = |-5| = 5; |x| = |-x| = x, etc.
Th absolute value of a number is its distance, regardless of direction, form 0.
The absolute value of a number is how many spaces the number is away from 0. So if the number was 32, the absolute value would be 32. And if the number was -54, then the absolute value would be 54. ========== The definition of "absolute value" for a number x (written as |x| ) is: |x| = x for x >0 |x| = 0 for x=0 |x| = -x for x<0
No. The absolute value is non-negative but, to be pedantic, that does not mean positive. The absolute value of 0 is 0 which is NOT positive.
it is the distance from 0 on a number line. the absolute value of something is never negative
The absolute value of 21 is 21.
Th absolute value of a number is its distance, regardless of direction, form 0.
The absolute value of a number is how many spaces the number is away from 0. So if the number was 32, the absolute value would be 32. And if the number was -54, then the absolute value would be 54. ========== The definition of "absolute value" for a number x (written as |x| ) is: |x| = x for x >0 |x| = 0 for x=0 |x| = -x for x<0
The absolute value of a number is the distance from that number to 0. Therefore, the absolute value is ALWAYS positive. the absolute value of -4.2 is 4.2 To find the absolute value, just determine how far it is from 0.
the absolute value
The absolute value of a number is the positive (or non-negative) value of the number. The absolute value of 0 or a positive number is the number itself. The absolute value of a negative number is its positive equivalent.
A number's distance from 0 on a number line is called absolute value. The absolute value of 5 is 5 and the absolute value of -5 is also 5.
Always a positive number, absolute value refers to the distance of a number from 0.
Always a positive number, absolute value refers to the distance of a number from 0.
is known as its magnitude or absolute value.
No. The absolute value is non-negative but, to be pedantic, that does not mean positive. The absolute value of 0 is 0 which is NOT positive.
Other than for the value 0, there are always two numbers that have the same absolute value: the number and the negative of the number, eg 2 and -2 both have the absolute value 2. There is no negative 0, so there is only the number 0 which has the absolute value 0.
No. The absolute value of any number is the non-negative value of that number.So, the absolute value of a number X, which is greater than or equal to 0, is X.The absolute value of a number X, which is less than 0, is -X.Note that, in the second case, X < 0 implies that -X > 0.