The only number whose absolute value is zero is zero. This is because a number's absolute value is its distance from zero on the number line.
The absolute value of zero is zero. The absolute value of any other real number - or even of any other complex number - is different from zero.
the absolute value
Absolute Value
If a number is zero or positive, then its absolute value is equal to the number.
The only number whose absolute value is zero is zero. This is because a number's absolute value is its distance from zero on the number line.
The absolute value of zero is zero. The absolute value of any other real number - or even of any other complex number - is different from zero.
The absolute value of zero is zero. The absolute value of any other real number - or even of any other complex number - is different from zero.
Absolute value is the distance of a number from zero on a number line.
the absolute value
A number's distance from zero on a number line is its magnitude or "absolute value."absolute value or magnitude.absolute value
The distance from zero on a number line is called the absolute value.
That's the absolute value.
absolute value
Absolute Value
Zero. The absolute value |n| is positive for any real number. Subtracting it from itself is zero.
The absolute value is the distance from zero. Just take the sign away, leaving the number 7.5 as the absolute value.The absolute value is the distance from zero. Just take the sign away, leaving the number 7.5 as the absolute value.The absolute value is the distance from zero. Just take the sign away, leaving the number 7.5 as the absolute value.The absolute value is the distance from zero. Just take the sign away, leaving the number 7.5 as the absolute value.