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Q: The actions of characters and events that occur in their lives tend to be with their surroundings?
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How do you use the word meritorious in a sentence?

His meritorious actions saved the lives of all of the passengers.

How do calendars help us with daily lives?

Calendars help us because you look at them for vacations and events and also when holidays are.

What is the reason according to Hinduism for suffering?

The everyday world we live in is filled with pain and suffering. We as human beings can't help to ask the question why. Why do people get cancer? Why are there earthquakes that destroy entire cities? Why do people have to work so hard just to have enough money to barely feed their families? In the Hindu and Buddhist teachings we learn that to live is to suffer. It is a key aspect in the balance of the universe. In the Hindu belief system, every person is accountable for his or her actions. That is the basis of Karma. Our lives at any given point are a net result of our past actions, both good and evil. We are capable of good as well as evil, since God gave us intelligence and independence. Therefore, we are responsible for the consequences of our actions. The Hindu belief system also includes the belief that our soul, which is immortal goes through endless life cycles. It somehow carries with it an imprint of our past actions. Therefore, suffering of a good person can be the result of actions in past lives. Hinduisms view is simply that when a person suffers in this life they are paying their debt back to the universe to bring balance back to the circle of life. It also holds that a person can experience less suffering in the next life by doing acts of good in the present thus a person's karma. Hindus believe their position in life is based on their actions in a previous life, or lives: The Law of Karma, which from good must come good, and from evil must come evil. Hinduism embraces the existence of suffering in the world and in doing so teaches the paths for one to be free of suffering and obtain moksha which means freedom or liberation which is the ultimate human goal. Hinduism is has different groups of caterorys. * Brahmans,(highest) priests and scholars * Kshatriyas, (next) nobles and warriors * Vaisyas, (next) farmers and merchants * Sudras, (lowest) serfs and slaves Thanks, Navinth Ravikumar

What comes in groups of 9's?

Cats have 9 lives

Which statement represents the following Euler diagram?

If someone lives in Austin, then that person lives in Texas.

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