The aintinal neital denotes is a river. This is written in Spanish.
The answer would be one square foot. They are different units of measurement. ft denotes distance while ft^2 denotes area
= congruent sign
in maths it denotes as10
As 8 is in the thousands column it denotes 8000.
The Roman numeral MCMLXIX denotes the number 1969.
the status toolbar denotes the activity.
Denotes - you denote/ denote/ it means
Yes. The word denotes means indicates, or specifies.
In the transistor, first letter denotes the material and the second letter denotes about the type of device. Hence here in sk100 transistor, first letter s denotes that it is a silicon transistor and second letter k denotes that it is a hall effect device.So, sk100 is a hall effect silicon transistor....
i love a salmon denotes to a singular person where i love salmon denotes a group and i love salmons denotes to all the the salmons.
"Verb" is a word that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of existence.
Odor denotes a bad smell and aroma denotes a pleasant one.
"if p then q" is denoted as p → q. ~p denotes negation of p. So inverse of above statement is ~p → ~q, and contrapositive is ~q →~p. ˄ denotes 'and' ˅ denotes 'or'
Java's main function denotes the entry point into the execution of your program.
The homophone that is a possessive pronoun and denotes belonging is "its" (possessive form of "it").
UTC family 2 denotes the aerial port function.