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This is an increase of 8%.

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Q: The amount in a saving account increased from 200 to 216 what is the percent of increase?
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What is the future tense of the word increased?

The future tense of increased is will increase. Such as saying, "I will increase the amount in my checking account tomorrow." Going to increase could also count by saying"I am going to increase the amount in my checking account tomorrow."

What is the percent increase and decrease?

percent increase and decrease is how much percent it had increased from a certain amount of number, like discounts and markups

If 100 is increased to 120 what is the percent of increase?

The amount of increase is 20. The percent increase is 20/100 X 100 = 20%

If 25 is increased to 35 what is the percent increase?

percent of increase = (new amount - original amount)/original amount p = (35 - 25)/25 p = 10/25 = 2/5 p = 0.4 p = 40%

What is the percent increase in the amount of money you have if you had 4 dollars and now have 6 dollars?

Your money increased by 50%

What is percent of decrease or increase?

A percent of decrease (percentage decrease) is when a value is reduced by a percentage of its original amount. e.g. 100 decreased by 15 percent is 85. A percent of increase (percentage increase) is when a value in increased by a percentage of its original amount. e.g. 100 increased by 15 percent is 115.

What is the percent change when 75 is increased t0 350?

350 ÷ 75 = 4.6667So the amount of the increase is 4.6667 or 466.67%

10 Last year Kala opened an investment account with 7800 . At the end of the year the amount in the account had increased by 28.5 . How muchhis increase in dollars How much money was in her account at?

If that's 28.5%, the account increased by 2223 dollars for a total of 10023 dollars.

The dollar amount of US exports to Russia increased from 1480 million to 2768 million between 1988 and 1999 What was the approximate percent increase?

The increase was 87.027%

The price of a hamburger at McBeef's increased from 50 cents to 60 cents What was the percent increase?

That's a 20% increase in price. pervent increase = (new amount - old amount)/old amount = (60 - 50)/50 = 10/50 = 1/5 = 20%

What is the percent change rounded to the nearest hundredth if 150 is increased to 260?

When 150 is increased to 260, the amount of the increase is 110. So, 110/150 = .7333 which can be approximated as 73%.

How do you get percent of increase?

Amount of increase ________________ Original #