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~ How hungry she is.

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Q: The amount of food Christine eats for lunch might be a function of what?
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The amount of paper it takes Jane to write a letter might be a function of the length of the letter, the size of her handwriting, and the spacing between lines. These factors can impact how much space the letter occupies on the paper and therefore determine the amount of paper needed.

Why don't they allow scissors in a school cafeteria?

because they might cut the lunch line

What kind of nickname might the boys give him?

"Your a pig! split it in half!" is a nickname they might give at lunch.

Write a sentence about lunch using consonance?

Assuming you mean consonance, and not consonants, an example might be We decorated the lunch with a pinch of French spinach.

What might an astronaut eat during a typical lunch or dinner?

Launch meat

When might you use the SUM function in your school work?

Any time you have a large amount of numbers to add together, you could use the SUM function. There are so many situations that it could be used, that it would be impossible to list them all.

Why do lunch ladies say you need more money in your account?

This is a lil' Common Sense, Lunch Ladies May Say You Need More Money In Your Account So You Can Pay For Future Lunch, Or Extras. You Might Be Low On Money.

What did Knights have for lunch?

Lunch was not a regular meal during medieval times; breakfast and dinner were the only standard meals of the day. A common snack might have been a piece of fruit.

Why might a person eat in during lunchtime instead of leaving work?

Packed a Lunch Too much work save money short lunch break bad weather