The basic rule rule for rounding off to the relevant number of significant figures is :- If the first figure to be discarded is 5 or more, the previous figure is increased by 1
When rounding to the nearest 1000 (which is the same as to the nearest multiple of 1000) then the first figure to be discarded is the digit representing the hundreds. In this question that digit is "2". As this is less than 5 then the previous figure is notincreased by 1.
36257 is thus rounded to 36000.
953 rounds up to 1000
That rounds to zero.
It rounds to zero.
524 rounds to:1000 to the nearest thousand500 to the nearest hundred520 to the nearest ten
976 rounds to:1000 to the nearest thousand1000 to the nearest hundred980 to the nearest ten
953 rounds up to 1000
That rounds to zero.
It rounds to zero.
To the nearest 1000 it is 500.
524 rounds to:1000 to the nearest thousand500 to the nearest hundred520 to the nearest ten
976 rounds to:1000 to the nearest thousand1000 to the nearest hundred980 to the nearest ten
Yes, it rounds to zero.
941 rounds to:1000 to the nearest thousand900 to the nearest hundred940 to the nearest ten