

Best Answer

statistics is used in the various fields.

for example:



physical sciences

natural sciences



computer science



and many more

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Q: The application of probability and statistic in the field of information technology?
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When is probability theory used in statistics?

All the time. Statistic is based on the application of probability theory!

What are the importance of information communication technology to secretaries profession?

computer system in the study of statistic

True or False A sampling distribution is a probability distribution for a statistic?

The statement is true that a sampling distribution is a probability distribution for a statistic.

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What is downside probability?

This is a very simple statistic to comprehend and to calculate. It takes the frequency distribution method of calculating probability. The statistic is calculated as This statistic is simple to interpret as well. What it calculates is the probability of the portfolio to get a negative return. It can be comprehended that a higher figure would mean a higher probability of fund to do give negative returns.

Is this a probability or statistic the incidence of a particular side effect of a new drug is 15 percent?

It is a probability; probability of side effect is .15 and probability of no side effect is .85.

What is the meaning of the term statistical inference?

Statistical inference is a conclusion about the value of a population parameter based on information from the corresponding sample statistic and the associated probability distribution.

What word describes the probability of an event occurring to the probability that it will not?

compliment- it's a word for the probability minus one, so it something has a .6 probability, the probability(compliment) it woun't occur is .4 The answer for the Statistic Crossword Puzzle is "odds"

What is the Application of statistic in law?

tell me the application of pascal law for what it is find out

What is Normal of probability distribution?

with mean and standard deviation . Once standardized, , the test statistic follows Standard Normal Probability Distribution.

Is there a famous person who likes the color yellow?

Statistic probability says: Yes.

What is sampling examine well known methods of probability and nonprobability sampling in statistic?

Non probability sampling and probability sampling are different because probability sampling uses random samples. Non probability sampling aren't random, but can still be representative of the population as a whole if done correctly.