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(1050+1150+650)/3 = 950. So the third one earns 1050.

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Q: The average salary of three employees is 950 per week if one of them earns 1150 and the other one earns 650 how much will the third one earn?
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Whether gratuity is taxable under Indian Income Tax?

Gratuity can be received by the employee at the time of his retirement or by his legal heir in the event of death of the employee. Gratuity received by an employee on his retirement is taxable under the head "Salary" and gratuity received by the legal heir is taxable under the head" Income from Other Sources". In both the above situations gratuity upto a specified limit is exempt under the provisions of sec.10(10) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. For the purpose of exemption of gratuity under sec.10(10) the employees are divided under three categories: # Govt. employees - In the case of govt. employees the entire amount of death-cum-retirement gratuity is exempt from tax and nothing is therefore taxable under the head Salaries. #* The amount of gratuity actually received. #* Fifteen days' salary (7 days in the case of seasonal employment) for every completed year of service provided the employment is more than six months. # Employees covered under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 - The employees covered under the Gratuity Act who receive gratuity have been given exemption which is the minimum of the following amounts. Gratuity received in excess of the minimum of the amounts mentioned below is included in the gross salary for the purposes of taxation. #* Actual amount of gratuity received. #* Half month's average salary for every completed year of service. (Average salary means the average of the salary drawn by the employee for 10 months immediately preceding the month in which he retires) # Other employees - In the case of other employees the gratuity received or receivable on his retirement or on his becoming incapacited prior to such retirement or termination of his employment or any gratuity received by his heirs is exempt to the extent of the minimum of the following amounts. The amount received in excess of the sums mentioned below is included in the gross salary of the employee for the purposes of taxation.

Why do we use averages?

There are three kinds of average that as useful in different ways. The mean average effectively tells you what the value would be if every value were the same. The median average tells you what the value in the middle is; exactly half the data is less than this value and half the data is greater than it. The mode average tells you the value that occurs most often (the most popular value); this does not have to be numeric. The first and last are particularly useful in business, especially retail (selling goods); For example a shoe shop would need to know how many of each size (and style) of shoe it sells to ensure it buys the right stock to sell on. However, knowing the most popular (Mode average) shoe allows it to check that it is making the right amount of profit . If the (mean) average selling price of shoes is not enough to cover its costs the shop would soon go out of business. Knowing these allows the shop owner to make decisions about which shoes to stock. The Median average is used by Government when reporting census data as this is unaffected by extreme values and means that half the values are above average and half are below average. When the word "Average" is unclassified (ie the type of average is not specified) most people will think of the mean average (as that is the first average that is met at school and the other two are not met until years later). However, this lack of awareness by the public can be used by unscrupulous people to "enhance" data for their own ends, especially when the Mean and Median averages are significantly different. For example: When talking about average salaries the mean average is very likely to be much higher than the median average because the distribution of salary values is heavily skewed by the top people: Suppose a company has 50 employees (excluding the directors) who earn a mean average of 15,000 a year, and 2 directors who earn 110,000 each; including the directors pay increases the mean average to about 18,300 - sounds a good wage but most employees will be confused as they will see that their wages are less than this. The median average is not affected by large values at one end and sill remain at 15,000. Going further suppose that 20 of the employees only work part time (because it fits their life style) and each earns 10,000 a year and at most 10 of the rest of the employees earn the same amount; this makes the Mode average only 10,000. So the average salary could be 10,000, 15,000 or about 18,300 depending upon which average you use; and the choice of average would be based on the point you want to make: the directors earn ten times the average salary of 10,000 each so they can easily afford a large pay rise; the average salary is 18,300 each so a large pay rise isn't needed... Averages also need to be used with care (especially by manufacturers). A fridge manufacturer looked at the average family size and was going to manufacture fridges for that size until one of the people deciding the fridge size noted that most of the people in the meeting either had no children or much more than the average - there were few families of the "average" family size.

What is the regular paycheck of a wrestler?

If you are thinking that wrestling is all about making big bucks than your wrong. But ill tell Anaway Wrestlers are no doubt celebrities. The average WWE mid carder earns a salary of between $250000 and $500000. The WWE has not released how much each superstar gets but the averages are : Those who are just for television, EXAMPLE : INTERVIEWERS, get $50,000-$99,000 per year Bottom Card wrestlers get $100,000-$249,000 per year Mid Card wrestlers get $250,000-$499,999 per year Bigger stars like Chris Jericho get $250,000-$499,999 per year Big Money earners like The Undertaker or Triple H get $ 1 million + per year Stacy Keibler earns about $250,000 a year, without other magazines like Stuff and Edge.

What does gross annual salary mean?

Gross annual salary is the amount of money a person made in 1 year. This amount is before taxes, insurance, child support, or any other deductions were taken out.

Why is Dollar Tree able to offer price below discount chain Walmart?

Overheads. Wal Mart has over 2 million employees worldwide with revenue of $404 bn giving a gross per employee revenue of $20,000. Dollar tree has 12,500 employees in 3,600 US locations with revenue of $4.64 bn giving a per employee revenue of $371,000 and an average of 4 employees per store. Wal-Mart may have better buying power, but the suppliers also need to make a profit. Even if they buy in goods cheaper, Wal-Mart has to add on the cost of all those employees and other overheads which far exceed those of Dollar Tree.

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The average salary of a warehouse worker in the UK can gain an average of 80,000k and plus. The average salary in the UK is different from the salary of other countries.

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A Real Estate Agent can easily earns an average salary of $43,969 per year. Most people in real estate business move on to other echelon after 10-20 years.

Are all employees paid by the hour?

Some employees are paid by the hour, and other employees earn a salary. This means they are paid weekly or monthly but the number of hours may vary. Their pay is the same. Government workers and teachers are paid a salary.

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Average salary is at least 48,130 in 2008 while other design technicians have 52,240.

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According to Simply Hired, the average yearly salary of taxidermists is 19,000 US dollars as of May 2011. This average salary is quite varied by the region and other factors.

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The average salary is $59,000. The basic salary will range depending on many other facts including the sizeÊof the company

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The average annual salary for French translators can vary widely depending on factors such as experience, location, and industry. On average, a French translator can make between $40,000 to $70,000 per year. Highly specialized or experienced translators may earn more.

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Cleveland Clinic does not disclose the salary range for any of its pay grades. Salary is discussed with prospective employees during the interview process, and current employees can review pay grade information.