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Divide the known circumference by the value of Pi - and you'll have your answer !

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Q: The circumference of a circular grass is 31.416meters.find the diameter and area of grass?
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What is the size of hair (width) in millimeters?

Human hair varies in size greatly. A child's head hair can be as fine as 0.05mm. An adult's head hair can be as course as 0.25mm. Adult eye- brow hair can be as thick as 0.3mm. Hair is circular in shape, not flat like grass. Things which are circular or round in shape, do not have 'thickness', they have 'diameter'.The sizes above express the Diameter of Hair. In the Imperial system of measure, human hair varies between 0.002 inch & 0.010 inch Diameter.

Why did ogro shop grass roots garden supply?

Mower for his money. This comes from a cool (and pretty easy once you get the formulas down) math worksheet. Just remember these things: Radius is 1/2 distance across. Diameter is all the way across. Circumference is found by multiplying the Diameter by pie. (Diameter x 3.14 = Circumference) Area is determined by multiplying the radius times the radius(radius squared, or r^2) times pie. (Radius x Radius x 3.14 = Area, or Radius^2 x 3.14) =D

Why did ogro shop at grass roots garden supply?

Mower for his money. This comes from a cool (and pretty easy once you get the formulas down) math worksheet. Just remember these things: Radius is 1/2 distance across. Diameter is all the way across. Circumference is found by multiplying the Diameter by pie. (Diameter x 3.14 = Circumference) Area is determined by multiplying the radius times the radius(radius squared, or r^2) times pie. (Radius x Radius x 3.14 = Area, or Radius^2 x 3.14) =D

What is a circular line of mushroom growing amongest grass commanly known as?

This is a fairy ring. It is caused by the mushroom spreading out year by year.

Does one grass seed only grow 1 blade of grass?

Wrong! Each seed equates to one grass PLANT (not one blade). If the grass is a clumping grass it will spread (upon maturity) and develop multiple shoots from the crown. One grass seedling, upon maturity, will produce a plant that is roughly 3-4" in diameter (10-16 leaves/blades)

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A Kikuyu hut, known as a "nyumba," is traditionally a single-story dwelling with a thatched roof that can vary in height depending on the specific design or materials used. Generally, a Kikuyu hut may stand between 6 to 10 feet tall at the peak of the roof.

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Big trees have deeper root systems that can reach deep underground for water, allowing them to withstand longer periods without rain compared to grass. Their larger size also enables them to store more water within their tissues. Additionally, big trees have more extensive canopies that can provide shade and reduce water loss through transpiration.

What types of homes did the yakima tribe live in?

underground winter homes three foot deep circular hole with a grass-mat roof.

What has the largest stem in the plant world?

Possibly bamboo. Bamboo can grow 6 to 8 inches in diameter, but bamboo is considered to be a grass, and each bamboo log a "stem".

How can you make a push-mower push easier?

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What types of shelter did the pomo tribe live in?

The Native American Pomo tribe lived in house that were shaped in a circular fashion and were framed with with grass and branches. These were single room and single door living quarters.

Can you wash your glitter toms shoes?

You can dampen a wash cloth and add a tiny bit of fabric soap and make tiny circular motions on any dirt or grass stains to release stains or marks.