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Q: The collection of data includes using what two types of sources?
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Types of sources of information?

Types of sources of information include primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary sources are from the original source. Secondary are a commentary using primary sources. Tertiary sources are largely expert opinion.

How can history reconstruct what medieval villages look like?

Using different types of sources you can have a close guess to what medival villages looked like. For example, aerial photography, written sources(E.G.diaries), illustrations, and etc. All these types of sources, but as a historian, you will need to use a few, but different types of sources to confirm!!

Why do you have to use primary and secondary sources?

Primary sources provide firsthand accounts or original data, while secondary sources analyze and interpret primary sources. Using both types of sources ensures that your research is well-rounded, gives credibility to your argument, and helps avoid bias or misinformation.

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What do you mean by MFC Collection Classes in visual programming?

MFC provides a number of ready-to-use arrays, lists, and maps that are referred to as collection classes. Using a collection allows the programmer to hold, process, or store groups of class objects or variables of certain standard types. You can use these collection classes to store objects in memory, and for some standard types they provide serialization support also. The collection varies in size to accommodate as many objects as memory constraints will allow. A collection object appears as a single object. Class member functions can operate on all elements of the collection. A collection class is characterized by its shape and by the types of its elements. The shape refers to the way the objects are organized and stored by the collection. MFC provides three basic collection shapes: arrays, lists, and maps (also known as dictionaries).

What are the benefits of using secondary sources?

more sources

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Sewing, embroidery, weaving (which includes knitting, using a loom etc.)

What are the Types of qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research includes methods like interviews, focus groups, and observations that aim to explore experiences and opinions. Quantitative research involves numerical data collection and analysis, using methods such as surveys and experiments to measure relationships and patterns.

What are some Types of secondary energy resources?

Some types of secondary energy resources include electricity, hydrogen, and compressed air. These resources are produced using primary energy sources such as coal, natural gas, and renewable sources like solar and wind energy.

What are the benefits of using a business collection agency?

There are a few benefits to using a collection agency for ones business or personal purposes. One benefit to using a collection agency would be being able to avoid having to directly deal with the person who owes money.

What is the most important part of data collection?

The most important part of data collection is ensuring the accuracy and quality of the data being collected. This involves following proper protocols, using reliable sources, and validating the data to ensure it is valid and reliable for analysis.

How do you cite your sources for phlebotomy?

To site your sources for phelobotomy it depends with the citation that you are using.