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Of course. Mirrors do not reflect every color the same. Usually you would not notice this, because mirrors are desireable because of the lack of color in the reflection. Mirrors can be made of many things, copper (used for lasers), aluminum (used for telescopes), rhodium (used for some optical devices). They each have characteristic reflectivity at various wavelengths. Spacecraft often have mylar coated with gold reflective insulation because it has great reflectivity in the infrared to reflect the heat from the Sun. Of course it looks golden-yellow-green to us.

To directly view the colors of various mirrors, simply observe various metal samples. For example, compare the color of a silver spoon with a stainless steel spoon, and hold both near a flat piece of aluminum foil. Mirrors made from the same metals will show these same colors.

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Q: The color you see when you look in a mirror is the color of whatever is reflected in the mirror but does a mirror have its own color?
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Why are some letters reflected the same in a mirror?

Because they are perfectly symmetrical. go ahead and draw a square then look at it in the mirror :)

What does a line of symmetry look like?

Answer:A line of symmetry will be a straight line usually down the middle of a figure. The line can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal, as long as both sides of the line are mirrors of one another. Example: Ø In this circle, you can see the diagonal line through the circle, and both sides mirror one another, so the line in the circle is a line of symmetry.Answer:A line of symmetry is a line which can be drawn through something in a way that both sides are the same (and the object would look the same if reflected in a mirror)I'll draw a line of symmetry below as an example:.....|..../|\.../.|.\../..|..\./...|...\/....|....\.....|If you were to replace that line with a mirror, it would reflect one side and thus look like the triangle.Below is another example to help demonstrate what i mean by it being reflected, and both sides looking the same:.....|___..../|...../.../.|..../../..|..././...|..//....|./.....|This example is NOT a line of symmetry. If this were reflected in a mirror, it would look like a triangle, versus the shape it is.

Is each side of your face different?

Yes, there are slight differences particular to each side of your face. To highlight just how different each side of you face is, take a small flat mirror, hold it against half of your face an look into another mirror, you will see one half of your face reflected to form a whole face, you will look really strange.

What are the symmetrical shapes?

they are shapes that are the same on the other side e.g a rectangle ....if you put a mirror on the shape if you look in the mirror it will look the same

I look at you you look at me i raise my right you raise your left riddle?

a mirror

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Why do you see your reflection when you look in a mirror and not when you look at a book?

The image is reflected from a reflective object, in this case [your mirror], as a Book is not a mirror, it is not reflected.

What is a mirrors color?

In a theoretical perfect mirror, a mirror is whatever color the object it is reflecting is. However, there are no perfect mirrors. If you look at a mirror tunnel, you can see mirrors are actually GREEN!

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Why are some letters reflected the same in a mirror?

Because they are perfectly symmetrical. go ahead and draw a square then look at it in the mirror :)

What is the process of seeing your reflection in a mirror?

When light hits an object, it bounces off and enters our eyes. When we look in a mirror, the reflected light from our body and surroundings enter our eyes, creating an image. This reflected image is what we perceive as our reflection in the mirror.

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A concave mirror will give an elongated appearance. When a mirror curves inward it becomes concave and makes one look elongated and thinner because of the way the light is reflected off the mirror.

Which letter can not be turned upside down and reflected in a mirror and still look the same?


What happens when a fun house mirror makes you look skinny?

the light is reflected back at different angles because the mirror is curved

How do you tell what color your eyes are?

Look in a mirror

Which letters look same in the mirror?

Some letters that look the same in the mirror are A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, and Y. These are symmetric either horizontally or vertically, making them look the same when reflected in a mirror.

When light hits a mirror does it bounce regularly?

It depends on the shape of mirror. If the mirror is straight and not curved, light bounces back in a manner. If it is curved, the reflected image will look different.

What words look exactly the same in the mirror as they do on paper?

Some examples of words that look the same in the mirror as they do on paper are "MOM," "DAD," "NOON," and "EYE." These words have symmetry either horizontally or vertically, allowing them to appear the same when reflected in a mirror.