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Q: The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action?
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Is physical reality a result of consciousness or is consciousness a result of physical reality?

Consciousness is a result of physical reality, but this can not be proven philosophically. A philosophical question is whether you, and everything of which I am aware, exist only in my consciousness, not in reality.

How could someone with physical disability be affected in their performance and participation physical activities?

Physical impairments can be a hindrance to progress. Many people choose to say such impairment is a challenge not a hindrance. It requires working differently or smarter to attain the same goal.

Is Consciousness physical?

Depends on how you are using these nouns.

How long does it take to gain consciousness?

There isn't a set time for this. Why you lost consciousness and your own physical attributes factor into it.

Does pure consciousness have any mass or energy?

Pure consciousness is considered a non-physical entity and is not composed of mass or energy as we understand them in the physical world. It transcends the limitations of the physical realm and is often described as being beyond matter and energy.

What is the hard problem of consciousness in simple language?

The hard problem of consciousness is the question of how subjective experiences and feelings arise from physical processes in the brain. It is difficult to explain how physical matter can give rise to our internal mental experiences, such as thoughts, emotions, and sensations.

How matters give rise to consciousness?

The relationship between physical matter and consciousness is not fully understood. Some theories propose that consciousness emerges from the complex interactions of brain activity and neural networks. However, the exact mechanisms through which matter gives rise to consciousness remain a topic of debate among scientists and philosophers.

What is quantum-noetics?

Quantum-noetics is an interdisciplinary field that combines elements of quantum physics and consciousness studies to explore the relationship between human consciousness and the physical world. It posits that the mind and consciousness play a fundamental role in shaping reality at a quantum level. Quantum-noetics seeks to understand how consciousness influences the behavior of subatomic particles and the nature of reality itself.

What is the problem in ghost in the machine?

The "ghost in the machine" problem is a philosophical concept that questions the relationship between the mind and the body. It suggests that there is something beyond physical processes that gives rise to consciousness, challenging the idea that the mind is simply a byproduct of the brain's neural activity. This debate hinges on whether consciousness can be explained solely through physical phenomena or if there is a non-physical element involved.

What would happen if the world wide web gained physical form and consciousness?

That couldn't happen, you need to get a grip on reality.

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Is artificial consciousness possible?

The concept of artificial consciousness is still a topic of debate among experts. While some believe that it may be possible to create machines with consciousness, others argue that consciousness is a uniquely human phenomenon that cannot be replicated in artificial systems. Further research and advancements in technology may provide more insights into this question in the future.