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yes that is true.

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Q: The corresponding sides of two similar regular polygons may or may not have equal length?
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Must the corresponding sides of two similar regular polygons must have equal length?


Can the corresponding sides of two similaar regular polygons have equal length?

This is False.

If to polygons are similar how can you find the scale factor?

You divide a length of one polygon by the corresponding length in the other polygon. Any length will do, as long as you use the corresponding length in both.

What is the definition of corresponding sides?

n. in congruent polygons, the pairs of sides which can be superimposed on one another. In similar polygons, the ratio of the length of a side on the larger polygon to the length of its corresponding side on the smaller polygon is the same for all the sides.

Are any two regular polygons with the same number of sides similar?

Yes, regular polygons will have all sides equal length, and all angles the same. If two polygons of the same number of sides are 'regular' then those two polygons will be similar (they may be scaled, for example).

What are the requirements for two polygons to be similar?

That all their sides - in order - are the same length AND each corresponding angle is also the same.

If Polygons abcd is similar to efgh are similar find the length of ab?

It is k times the perimeter of eh where k is the constant ratio of the sides of abcd to the corresponding sides of efgh.

What is the difference between scale factor and scale ratio?

if two polygons are similar, then the ratio of the length of 2 corresponding sides is called a scale factor

How can you tell if two polygons are similar?

The angles are the same, but the sides don't have to be the same length. or Two polygons are similar if and only ifthe corresponding angles are congruentThe corresponding sides must be in a consistent ratio -- for example, if side AB = (2xA'B'), then sides B'C', C'D' ... K'A' must also be twice as long as their corresponding sides BC, CD, ... KA.

What do you call polygons in witch all sides have the same length?

regular polygons

The corresponding sides of two similar regular polygon must have equal length true or false?


What is the difference between regular and irregular triangles?

Regular polygons have all equal length sides and irregular polygons do not.