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Q: The criterion-related validation method is generally preferred to other validation approaches because a. it is based on empirical data b. it tends to be less expensive c. it lacks generalizaiton d.?
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Act of establishing the soundness of an idea or theory?

This process is known as validation, where evidence, testing, or reasoning is used to verify the accuracy and reliability of an idea or theory. It involves confirming that the concept aligns with empirical observations or logical reasoning.

What are the approaches in studying politics?

The approaches to studying politics are both empirical and social. The size of the economy, the approbation of the people, and success in legal legislation are some approaches for studying politics. Other aspects, such as, foreign relations are often considered.

Describe differences between empirical vs theoretical approaches to knowledge acquisition?

Empirical is the information you received and found out, and theoretical the information that is set. For example, if you were doing a lab related to acceleration due to gravity, the theoretical value would be 9.81 m/s squared and the empirical value would be the value you calculated.

What is an empirical validation?

Empirical validity (also called statistical or predictive validity) describes how closely scores on a test correspond (correlate) with behaviour as measured in other contexts. Example: Students' scores on a test of academic aptitude, may be compared with their school grades (a commonly used criterion). Source: Hope that helped!! :) FJ

What best describes an idea that is developed by people but is not necessarily true or scientifically proven?

A belief or hypothesis that lacks empirical evidence or rigorous scientific validation but is widely accepted or followed by a group of individuals.

Do they use empirical or theoretical in medical research?

Medical research often involves a combination of both empirical and theoretical approaches. Empirical research relies on data and observations gathered through experiments or direct measurements, while theoretical research involves the development of conceptual frameworks and models to explain phenomena. Both aspects are important for advancing our understanding of medical conditions and developing new treatments.

What is the probability found by experimenting?

It is experimental or empirical probability.It is experimental or empirical probability.It is experimental or empirical probability.It is experimental or empirical probability.

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What is the empirical formula of C10H4?

It is an empirical formula.

What is the translation in Tagalog of empirical?

The translation of "empirical" in Tagalog is "empirikal."

What is unscientific knowledge?

Unscientific knowledge refers to beliefs, ideas, or claims that are not supported by evidence, data, or the scientific method. This can include folklore, superstitions, pseudoscience, and unfounded theories that lack empirical validation. Unscientific knowledge can be misleading and unreliable when seeking to understand the natural world.

What were the Greek approaches to science and philosophy?

Greek approaches to science and philosophy were characterized by a focus on reason, observation, and logic. Philosophers like Aristotle emphasized the importance of systematic inquiry and empirical evidence in understanding the natural world. Greek mathematicians and astronomers also made significant advancements in these fields, such as Euclid's geometry and Ptolemy's geocentric model of the universe.