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There is no difference in the sense that the volume for either is the length times the area of cross-section.

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Q: The differences between the volume of a prism and cylinder?
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What are the similarutues and differences in the methods for finding the volume of a cylinder a rectangular and a non rectangular prism?

Volume of a prism and a cylinder= cross-section area*height or length

What are the similarities and differences between prism and cylinders?

a cylinder has round tops

How is the relationship between formula of volume of a cone and formula of volume of a cylinder related to the relationship between the formula of volume of a pyramid and formula of volume of a prism?

The relationship between the formulas is that in all the radius is cubed.

What r the similarities and differences between a cylinder and octagonal prism?

The similarities are that:Cylinder and octagonal prisms are 3-D shaped figures.Assuming that octagonal prism are regular and cylinder and that prism have the same height, we can say that they almost resemble each other! In other words, their characteristics are like regular cylinders and octagonal prisms.The differences are that:The octagonal prism has more sides and faces than a cylinder. The octagonal prism has 10 faces while cylinder has 3 faces. The octagonal prism has 24 sides while cylinder doesn't have any of 'em!

What are differences and similarities between cylinder and prism with examples?

Two similarities are there both round and circular i guess. Hope you get what im trying too say. Bye bye

What is the general formula for finding the volume of a prism or cylinder?

Area=Bh when B=area of the base, and h=height of the prism/cylinder

What the relationships between cylinder and prism?

Technically, a cylinder is a prism, as it has a fixed shape at the end.

Is a cylinder not a prism and why?

A cylinder is not a prism because it has a circular base and therefore requires a different formula to figure out its volume, surface area, etc.

What are the some similarities of a prism and cylinder?

Formula for the volume of both a Prism and a Cylinder is V = Bh (where B = area of the base, and h = height)

How do you find the volume of a prism and a cylinder?

Volume of a cylinder is easy: Vol= [(pi) x radius^2] x height of cylinder] Where Pi= 3.1416 approx and radius = 1/2 of cylinder diameter The volume of a prism is complicated because it depends on the type of prism. for a regular shape prism the formula is : Vol = (area of base) x height If the prism is a "union" of differents shapes, you have to split the prism in smaller/single/easy shapes and calculate the volumes individually and then add the resulting volumes

How are the volumes of right pyramid and right cone related to the volume of a right prism and right cylinder?

The volume of the pyramid and cone is one third the volume of the corresponding (ie same [size] base and height) prism and cylinder.

How is the cylinder and rectangular prism alike?

Both the cylinder and rectangular prism are solid objects. Volume of both can be found by multiplying the area of the base by the height.