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Q: The dimensions of a rectangular playground are 50 times the dimensions of a scale drawing the playground The area of the scale drawing is 6 square feet What is the area of the actual playground?
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What is the actual area if a rectangular playground is 50 times the dimensions of a scale drawing and the scale drawing is 6 square feet?

area is length times width so the actual area is 50 x 50 or 2500 times higher, or 2500 x 6 = 15000 sq ft

How do you find scale factor?

# is the ratio of the demensions in the drawing to the corresponding actual dimensions. The scale factor for a scale drawing is the ratio of the dimensions in the drawing to the corresponding acual bimensions.

What is a scale drawing?

Mathmatics a drawing with dimensions at a specific ratio relative to the actual size of the object drawn found on Mathmatics a drawing with dimensions at a specific ratio relative to the actual size of the object drawn found on Mathmatics a drawing with dimensions at a specific ratio relative to the actual size of the object drawn found on

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The area of the scale model of a playground is 6 square yards. The scale model is enlarged by a scale factor of 3 to create the actual playground. What is the area of the actual playground?

i dont know

Why Scale used on drawings?

Many manufactured or constructed items are too large (or too small) to be be drawn actual size.The engineer has to produce a drawing of convenient size to be read by those doing the construction. The scale will be on the drawing and used to convert the dimensions to actual size

What is if a drawings dimensions are 6 to 1o and the actual is 36 to 60 then what scale of the dimensions of the model to the dimensions of the actual house?


What are the means of conveying measurements through the medium of the drawing?

Measurements can be conveyed through drawings using dimensions, notes, symbols, scales, and annotations. Dimensions show the size of the object, while notes provide additional information. Symbols represent specific features, scales indicate the ratio between drawing size and actual size, and annotations offer explanations or instructions.

An enlarged or reduced drawing of an object that is similar to the actual object?

A scale drawing.

How are the dimensions of a scale model related to the actual dimensions of the object?

When it is a scale model the model is proportional to the actual object only much smaller.

What is the statement of scale?

The statement of scale is a formal document that outlines the specific size or dimensions of a map or architectural drawing. It typically includes a scale bar or ratio to indicate the relationship between the measurements on the map or drawing and the actual physical distances they represent.

How can a drawing compare to a actual land form?

how can it