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Q: The discriminant determines how many what a quadratic equation will have whether they are real or imaginary?
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The discriminant determines how many a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or imaginary.?


The determines how many solutions a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or imaginary?


The discriminant determines how many solutions a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or?


How many discriminant did this quadratic equation have -4j2 3j-280?

A quadratic equation has one discriminant.

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is -4 how many solutions does the equation have?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is less then 0 then it will have no real solutions.

What type of equation is b2-4ac?


What is the equation b squared minus 4ac known as?

the expression "b2-4ac" with respect to quadratic equations is called the discriminant. the discriminant of the equation tells whether or not the roots will be real numbers or not. If the discriminant is negative, then the roots are imaginary.

What are quadratic equations with real roots?

If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is zero then it will have 2 equal roots. If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is greater than zero then it will have 2 different roots. If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is less than zero then it will have no roots.

If the discriminant of an equation is 0?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is zero then it has two identical roots.

What can the discriminant tell you about a quadratic equation?

It can tell you three things about the quadratic equation:- 1. That the equation has 2 equal roots when the discriminant is equal to zero. 2. That the equation has 2 distinctive roots when the discriminant is greater than zero. £. That the equation has no real roots when the discriminant is less than zero.

What is the definition of quadratic discriminant?

The discriminant of the quadratic equation: y = ax^2 + bx + c is b^2 - 4ac

Why does the discriminant determine the number and type of the solutions for a quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is wholly defined by its coefficients. The solutions or roots of the quadratic can, therefore, be determined by a function of these coefficients - and this function called the quadratic formula. Within this function, there is one part that specifically determines the number and types of solutions it is therefore called the discriminant: it discriminates between the different types of solutions.