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Useful information: 86 miles tire radius of 16 inches In order to find how many revolutions the tire undertakes you must divide the amount traveld by the circumference of the tire (The length of tire tread). To find the circumference you multiply the diameter by Pi (3.14) The diameter is twice the radius or 32 inches 32 in. x 3.14 = 100.48 in. 86 miles equals 5,448,960 inches 5448960 in. /100.48 in. = 54229.3 revolutions

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Q: The distance from Arcata to Crescent City is 86 miles A car was driven this distance using tires with a radius of 16 inches Approximately how many revolutions of each tire occurred on the trip?
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When you compair amino acids differences to estimate eviulotionary distance between organisms what assumptions are being made baout the rate at which mutation occur over time?

This assumes that all mutations occur at a regular and very static rate, which is not always the case. If many mutations occurred at a given moment then scientists studying these in the present would misinterpret when they truly occurred.

Which events occurs earliest in time?

The Big Bang is believed to have occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago, making it the earliest event in time that we know of.

When the probability of one event occurred is not affected by a second event having already occurred the two events are said to be?

The two events are said to be independent.

What is the meaning of sequence of event?

The order the events occurred in.

What rule did dante use to decide the order of each sin?

The rule of drama. The people he hated most occurred latest in the book, and the people he hated least occurred earliest.

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