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Q: The engine was panting heavily after its long run In the red glow from the fire-box a group of people stood huddled together on the platfor encumbered by bundles and boxes you knew this must be th?
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The engine was panting heavily after its long run In the red glow from the fire-box a group of people stood huddled together on the platform encumbered by bundles and boxes you knew this must be thE?

Loaded excessively with heavy objects

Pick the best definition for encumbered in the excerpt from Cathers My Ántonia below The engine was panting heavily after its long run In the red glow from the firebox a group of people stood?

loaded excessively with heavy objects

What is the definition of encumbered?

Encumbered typically means that someone or something has been so heavily restricted or burdened that they are unable to move freely or easily. An example of its use would be: The camel was very heavily encumbered by all the luggage.

Did the aboriginals have roads before 1788?

The Australian Aborigines did not have roads before 1788. They had no need of roads. They were able to walk wherever they wanted, including crossing the Blue Mountains, which the Europeans were not able to achieve for some 25 years. The Aborigines were not encumbered by having to carry heavily loads, and they did not use animals to carry or drag items,

What is the superlative of heavily?

The superlative of heavily is "most heavily."

How do you use laden in a sentence?

They sought out counceling because their marriage is laden with problems.Whats about this sentence its by an old publisher but spellings protect us from evil sentence.The sentence can be:Cart laden with animal skins and bundles of firewood creaked over the cobbles.

What are the comparative and superlative form of the word heavily?

more heavily, most heavily

Is Bulgaria heavily polluted?

poluted, but not heavily

What is the comparative degree of heavily?

more heavily

What is the comparative form of the word heavily?

more heavily

How you spell heavily?

The correct spelling for "heavily" is H-E-A-V-I-L-Y.

What is the comparative and superlative forms for heavily?

Comparative Form- more heavilySuperlative Form- most heavily