Casue and effect diagram with addition of cards, or CEDAC, is a version of fishbone diagram on which cards (e.g. small index cards) are used to identify facts and improvements. Typically the cards are two different colors to help identify facts from improvements. It is generally used in place of a traditional fishbone diagram in order to solicit active participation by all team members.
A tree diagram is the way to identify and count all possible outcomes.
If someone lives in Austin, then that person lives in Texas.
The diagram will have 4 equal sides and 4 interior right angles at each vertex. Note that all 4 sided shapes are classed as quadrilaterals.
Not stop sign in the inside circle , not red in the small circle
The final outcome of using the cause-and-effect (Fishbone) diagram is to identify the problem statement.
Casue and effect diagram with addition of cards, or CEDAC, is a version of fishbone diagram on which cards (e.g. small index cards) are used to identify facts and improvements. Typically the cards are two different colors to help identify facts from improvements. It is generally used in place of a traditional fishbone diagram in order to solicit active participation by all team members.
There are a number of sites that have examples of Fishbone or Cause and Effect diagrams. These include Google Images, Mind Tools, ASQ and More Stream.
major cause
The most notable work of Ishikawa is the Ishikawa/Fishbone/Cause & Effect Diagram (they're all the same). The Ishikawa diagram is a control tool to let you know why something happened or why something might happen. It is called a Fishbone diagram because it resembles the skeleton of a fish.
A cause-and-effect diagram, also known as a fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram, can help organize events to identify root causes of problems. It visually links potential causes to a specific effect, aiding in understanding the relationships between various factors within an organization.
Without the relevant diagram, it is not possible to answer the question.
identify lines of authority?
Deming and Juran took quality to Japan after WWII. From Japan, you have Taguchi, Ishikawa, and Shingo at least.Genichi Taguchi known for...Taguchi Loss Function - offers a formula for determining a lack of qualityKaoru Ishikawa known for...Cause and Effect or Fishbone diagram. Turned PDCA (plan, do, check, act) into 6.The five parts of a fishbone diagram: Man, Method, Machine, Mother Nature, Material.Shigeo Shingo is known...Rapid Setup and Poka-Yoke, SMED (Single minute exchange of die)
A tree diagram is the way to identify and count all possible outcomes.