In general, true tides hit two maxima and two minima per day, i.e. 2 'high tides' and 2 'low tides' in 24 hours.
The declarative statement would be: "There are two low tides and two high tides each day." This is a simple declaration of a fact. The interrogative, or question form would be: "Are there two low tides and two high tides each day?" Asking, in the simplest terms, 'does it happen' without regard for the mechanisms involved. "Why are there two..." presumes the truth of the declarative sentence and inquires about the mechanisms behind the events. "Why there are two low tides and two high tides each day" again presumes the truth of the declarative sentence. This doesn't ask a question, however. It is not even a complete sentence. It is a statement that what follows is an explanation; what follows will be the answer to the question "Why are there two...". So you could say that the statement in the Question above is 'procedural'. When sentences are in this form, you can help clarify the function of the sentence by putting in front of it [This is]. "This is why there are two low tides and two high tides each day." Then the material that follows gives the details.Sometimes people learning English as a second language have difficulty forming verbs the way they are formed in English. "Why there are two low tides ..." is then intended to be the question form, "Why are there two..." This is virtually always the case when sentences in this form are submitted here as questions.Statements in this form "Why there are two low tides and two high tides each day" could be the name of an essay that explains what is happening, but again it is not a complete sentence as it stands.
Its normally one hour each day
the tides rise or fall occur every 6hours and 13 minutes because because of the gravitational and rotational force,all particles of the earth ,moon,and the sun attract one another
Isaac Newton discovered that the moon's gravity caused tides on Earth through his theory of universal gravitation, which explains how objects with mass attract each other. He described how the gravitational pull of the moon affects the oceans, causing two high tides and two low tides each day.
The principle of science that caused Galileo to not discard his erroneous theory of the tides was making careful observations. Galileo Galilei lived between 1564 and 1642.
Scientists can predict tides in advance using mathematical models based on the gravitational interaction between the Earth, the moon, and the sun. By understanding the positions and motions of these bodies, scientists can accurately forecast the height and timing of tides in a given location.
I'm kinda sure that Newton's theory wasn't excepted because of the gravitational pull on the tides
high tides are high water level they are called spring tides and low tides are low water level they are called neap tides. high tides and low tides occur when the sun, earth and the moon are inline. during new moon there are high tides at west and east and low tides at north and west, because the direction which the moon is facing that direction will have a high tide.
Neap tides are the ones that coincide with the Moon's First Quarter and Third Quarter.
The dynamic theory of tides considers the influence of factors like the Coriolis effect, continental coastlines, and ocean depths on tidal patterns, while the equilibrium theory assumes a simple, uniform ocean covering the entire Earth with idealized conditions. Dynamic theory provides a more accurate representation of tidal behavior in real-world conditions, including variations in tidal heights and times.
New and full moons produce the highest and lowest tides. These are called spring tides
The gravitational pull of the moon on Earth's oceans causes tides. When the moon is closest to Earth, during a full or new moon, tides are generally stronger (spring tides). When the moon is at a right angle to the sun, during the first and last quarter moon phases, tides are weaker (neap tides).
The first person to identify the forces that caused tides was Sir Isaac Newton. He proposed that the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's oceans was responsible for creating tides.
Waves are predictable based on factors like wind speed, duration, and fetch direction. Tides are predictable due to the gravitational forces of the moon and sun, which create regular patterns of high and low tides. Mathematical models and historical data help forecast wave heights and tidal movements.