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Q: The first term in a sequence is 1 and the second term is 5From the third term on each term is the average of all preceding termswhat is the 25th term in the sequence?
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What is an adverb of sequence?

Adverbs of sequence include after, afterwards, before, beforehand, since (after), then, thence, next, and finally. They indicate the sequence of actions related to other actions. Also the ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc). Some can be used as prepositions, along with by (time), at (time), until, and participials such as during, preceding, and following. Some can be used as conjunctions to connect clauses.

What is the explanation for the Fibonacci sequence?

The Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows:f(1) = 1,f(2) = 1 andf(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) for all n >2.The first two are the "seeds" and the third is the recursive formula which states that each term, after the second, is the sum of the two preceding terms.

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What are some sequence words?

Some sequence words are first, second, third, then, next, after that

What is a sequence of a story?

a sequence of a story is like what happened first, second, third etc

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Is there going to be a twilight sequence 2?

Sequence? There is going to be a second movie out. They are making a movie of the second book (New Moon) set to be out later this year.

What is a index of a number sequence?

It is the counter that tells you the position of the numbers in the sequence: the first, second and so on.

What sequence is formed from difference of differences between terms of a sequence?

These are called the second differences. If they are all the same (non-zero) then the original sequence is a quadratic.

Use sequence in a sentence?

I am studying the sequence of events that led to the outbreak of the war.

If the first differences of a sequence are a constant 4 and the second term is 8 what are the first 5 terms of the sequence?


Which was the second James Bond novel to be movie?

From Russia with Love - the 5th novel in the sequence, but second filmed.