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Look around, since even a changed ecosystem is still an ecosystem

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Q: The grasslands of the midwestern US have been grazed and farmed so that almost no grasslands remain with their original species of plants and animals How could people in the Midwest determ?
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The grasslands of the midwestern US have been grazed and farmed so that almost no grasslands remain with their original species of plants and animals. How could people in the Midwest determine what ki?

Look around, since even a changed ecosystem is still an ecosystem.

Are all animals in grasslands only found in grasslands?

No, animals in grasslands may also be found in other habitats or have a wider range of habitats they inhabit. Some animals may migrate to grasslands seasonally for feeding or breeding, while others may move between different habitat types.

What animals live in the Midwest?

Some common animals found in the Midwest region of the United States include white-tailed deer, raccoons, squirrels, American robins, and coyotes. Additionally, there are many species of birds, amphibians, and insects that inhabit the diverse ecosystems of the Midwest.

What Animals live in Midwest?

There are several animals that are native to the Midwest. These animals include bobcats, catfish, whitetail deer, bald eagles, and muskrats.

What animals live in grasslands and what plants?

Some animals that live in grasslands are lions giraffes and cheetas. I'm not sure about the plants.

What type of animals used to roam the Grasslands?

Animals that used to roam the Grasslands include bison, pronghorn, elk, and various species of birds. These animals have evolved to thrive in the open, grassy expanses of the Grasslands ecosystem.

One biome that contains many large animals is?

Large herds of grazing animals are found in temperate grasslands. The grasslands have rich, fertile soil to support the large herds.

What are the the largest animals in the grasslands?


What is in the grasslands?


What animals are in the Mitchell grasslands?


What kind of animals are in the temperate grasslands?

The animals that are in the temperate grasslands are bison,cheetahs,zebra,lions,gazzel, and a whole lot more.

In grasslands what do animals eat?

Animals in grasslands typically eat grass, shrubs, herbs, and occasionally insects. Some animals may also feed on other herbivores or scavenged meat. The specific diet of animals in grasslands can vary depending on the availability of resources and their individual feeding preferences.