

Best Answer

This one. The problem is trying to prove that a infinite number of pairs of prime numbers exist. It has recently been proved as shown by this article on This is one of the oldest math problems in history, going clear back to the ancient Greeks.

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Q: The hardest math problem ever solved?
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Foucault's last conundrum.Fermi's last theromExact value of Pi.

What is the hardest math problem?

add the full name for pi (3.14........) to 97864978619783569783461578694781569873456978697816947695874617861 61347805693457575701345607834618560347580346517803476801534570134 41389743089570348957001748571403895710458734098571034985708947584 13485701348650134685047365017346057486085608476598134561846917345. the last guy who edited this thought it was 0+0. seriously? yes. seriously. its accually 3.14..... 324314897398075893742985789327458923758938289578387454419+4548786212354864234548652315488545456156478354875 Actually if you want the hardest math problem it would be the Riemann's Hypothesis is, It still hasn't been solved.

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The hardest math problem ever Also, according to True Jackson V.P, the answer is 16. I paused the screen showing the problem, and x=16

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The hardest math problem in history?

Proving the Riemann conjecture.

Can I solve world's hardest math problem?

Anyone can if they work hard at it.

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Depends whats hard for you.

What is the hardest type of math?

Depends on which math and which person. A person whom ability in math, only punctuates to their proclivity of a certain intellectual degree. If a person biological brain can only comprehend Algebra, Then logically that would the the hardest type of math for that individual . The better question would be- what is the most scarce mathematics problems solved among humans. These are the known fields for scarcity among human participants that involve math --- Chemistry Physic Engineer Astronomy out of all these subject psychics takes first with the fewest participants around the world. their are less then 50,000 physicist word wide- Now there two different type of mathematics. Solvable and Unsolvable. ----------------------- Solvable mathematics are proven mathematics in the fields, all you need is the formula. a unsolvable math problem is a theory of mathematics that has yet to be solved and proven. In conclusion The hardest math problem within the world , would be the most scarce field for mathematics with the longest unsolved theory over the years. Currently at the moment the hardest physic math would be: "Fermt's Last Theore" be unsolved for 375 years.