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Q: The horn must be loud enough to hear at a minimum distance of feet?
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The horn must be loud enough to hear at a minimum distance of how many feet in California?

200 ft

How long distance can a lion hear?

a lion can at least hear up to about 7 feet away

What is the minimum distance of the obstacle from the source to hear an echo?

The minimum distance for an echo to be heard is approximately 17.2 meters (56.4 feet) from the source. This accounts for the time it takes for sound to travel to the obstacle and then reflect back to the source for the echo to be perceived.

What is the farthest a human can hear underwater?

On average, a person can hear sounds underwater up to a distance of about 60 meters (200 feet). This distance may vary depending on water conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and clarity.

A horn must be loud enough to hear within how many feet?"

What is the minimum distance to get an echo?

Depends on the quality of the sound. The minimum distance to hear an echo will be partly based upon the observers ability to resolve different sounds (i.e. so that they can distinguish between the actual noise, and the arrival of the reflected sound - a little 100 year old lady may not be as good as a 15year old!). This will vary between observers, as their auditory reaction times vary In the perfect Physics world though: Assuming a sharp sound (like a gunshot) the minimum distance (d=vt) to hear distinct echo is 17.2m considering the speed of sound to be 344ms. In general the "minimum echo distance" is always equal to half a wavelength from the reflector.

What is the minimum distance of echo?

Depends on the quality of the sound. The minimum distance to hear an echo will be partly based upon the observers ability to resolve different sounds (i.e. so that they can distinguish between the actual noise, and the arrival of the reflected sound - a little 100 year old lady may not be as good as a 15year old!). This will vary between observers, as their auditory reaction times vary In the perfect Physics world though: Assuming a sharp sound (like a gunshot) the minimum distance (d=vt) to hear distinct echo is 17.2m considering the speed of sound to be 344ms. In general the "minimum echo distance" is always equal to half a wavelength from the reflector.

Can you hear a plane at 5000 feet?

yes, you can hear planes at 35000 feet.

Do cats hear with their feet?

No, cats hear very well with their ears. They do not hear with their feet. They may also react to anything that causes the ground to rumble, and may feel that with their feet, but that is not the same as hearing with their feet.

How tall do have to be to ride the hulk?

As tall as he wants you to be. I hear he prefers girls 8-14, but with enough money can be bribed into anything.

What Is The Origin Of Hear a pin drop?

On a railroad, a pin drops whenever cars couple together. Sometimes, if the engineer was moving carefully enough, he could hear the pin drop from hundreds of feet away.

What should be on your feet for when you hear it?

5 feet