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Q: The improvement in the value of the objective function per unit increase in a right-hand side is the?
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How do you determine if a function is linear?

A function is linear if it is of the form f(x) = mx + c where m and c are constants and a is not zero.The function implies that an increase of one unit in the input variable, x, always results in an increase of m units in the output.

How do you calculate unit cost as you increase production?

Increase in cost: take the first derivative with respect to the unit produced of a cost function. Total cost: sub-in the new quantity into the cost function.

How do you minimise errors in numerical integration?

Increase the number of segments into which the domain is divided. In particular, increase them where the function has the greatest absolute gradient.

What are exponential functions?

With exponentiation functions, the rate of change of the function is proportional to it present value.A function f(x) = ax is an exponentiation function [a is a constant with respect to x]Two common exponentiation functions are 10x and ex. The number 'e' is a special number, where the rate of change is equal to the value (not just proportional). When the number e is used, then it is called the exponential function.See related links.

What is the difference between differentiation and a differential equation?

Differentiation: when you differentiate a function, you find a new function (the derivative) which expresses the old function's rate of change. For example, if f(x) = 2x, then the derivative f ' (x) = 2 for all x, because the function is always increasing by 2 units for every increase of x by 1 unit.A differential equation is an equation expressing a relationship between a named function and its derivatives. This can be as simple as y = y', where y is the original function and y' the derivative.

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What is the function of the higher power objective on a microscope?

To increase the magnification of the specimen so you can see more detail.

What is the function of oil immersion objective in a microscope?

The oil immersion objective in a microscope is used to gather more light from the specimen and increase resolution. By using oil with similar optical properties as glass, the objective lens can capture more detail and produce sharp images of the specimen.

Objective of Strategic Management?

Main objective of Strategic Management is to increase profitability

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What happens to total magnification if increase objective lens?

Total magnification increases when the objective lens is increased because the objective lens magnifies the image before it reaches the eyepiece lens. The eyepiece then further magnifies the image for viewing.

What is the function of an objective lens on a microscope?

Objective lens on a microscope collects the light emerging from the sample and focuses it into the objective turret. Its primary role is to increase the magnification used for viewing.usually, there are three or four objective lenses on a microscope,

What is a good objective for a resume?

A good objective for your resume is your career objective. State the position that you are qualified for and looking for as your objective.

What happens to the power of the objective as the light intensity increase?


How do you interpret a shadow price of zero?

If there is a shadow price of zero it means it is a non binding constraint and the RHS of the constraint can be changed up to the allowable increase or decrease without changing the value of the objective function.

How do you increase an asset and increase a liaibilty?

Borrow to make a capital improvement. Putting a new roof on your house will increase the asset, borrowing the money to do so will increase your liability.

What are the function of glucagon?

It increase the glucose level.It is produced by function.

Why does the field of view decrease as the power of objective lens increase?

There is a relationship between the power of an objective lens and its field of view. As the power of the objective lens increases, the size of its field of view decreases