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2 meter is roughly how tall a door frame is, 2 KILOmeters, where kilo means thousand, are 2000 meters, or around 1.25 miles.

So a length of the bike path you are referring too should be, by my wast knowledge of bike paths, 2 kilometers.

And I know my bike paths!

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Q: The length of a bike path is 2 meters or 2 kilometers?
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The length of bike path 2 meters or 2 kilometers?

2 kilometers

What is the length of a bike path 2 meters or 2 kilometers?

2 meters

What is length of bike path 2 meters or 2 kilometers?

Normally 2 km but there are bike lanes in London (UK) that are nearer 2 metres in length! There may well be ones that are even shorter - the intelligence of bureaucrats has no lower limit. (I was one for 30 years, so I should know!)

What Distance?

Distance is the length of a path over which an object travels; usually expressed in meters or kilometers in the metric system, and in feet or miles in the English System.

How many kilometers long are tornadoes?

There are several ways to interpret that. Path length is how far a tornado travels. The average path length is 8 kilometers, the longest was just over 350 kilometers. The shortest was just over 2 meters. Some people use the term "long" for what is more correctly the width, or diameter of a tornado. The average width is 45 meters. The smallest are just a few meters wide, the largest was 4 kilometers wide. Finally it could describe how tall the tornado is. Most tornadoes are 8 to 16 kilometers tall.

How many kilometer tornado path be?

The average tornado damage path is 8 kilometers long and 45 meters wide. Some damage paths are less than 100 meters long, The longest tornado damage path on record is 352 kilometers, the widest is 4 kilometers.

What is the length of a tornado's path in kilometers?

It varies widely. The typical path length is between 1 and 2 kilometers. Paths uof under a kilometer are fairly common. However, most destructive tornadoes have longer paths, often more than 30 kilometers. Path lengths over 100 kilometers occur a few times a year. The longest path on record was just over 350 kilometers.

How far an object travels along a given path?

The distance an object travels along a given path is determined by calculating the length of the path covered from the starting point to the ending point. This can be measured in meters, kilometers, or any other unit of distance depending on the context.

What describes how far an object goes?

The distance an object travels describes how far it goes. This can be measured in units such as meters, kilometers, miles, etc. Distance is a scalar quantity that represents the length of the path between two points.

What is a bike path?

A bike path is another term for a bicycle path or cycle path - a path, segregated from other traffic, for the use of riders of bicycles.

Where is the world's largest bike path network?

The worlds largest bike path network is in Bogota Colombia

What is the best bike path in Ventura County?

Why This Is The Best Bike Path In Ventura County The Arroyo Simi Greenway and bike path is a beautiful, scenic route that is perfect for a leisurely ride or a vigorous workout.