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L + W = 76/2 and L = 2W - 4, so (2W - 4) + W = 38 ie 3W = 42 so W =14ft and L = 24ft

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Q: The length of a picture is 4 feet less than twice its width To frame it 76 feet of framing are needed Find the dimensions of the picture?
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What kind of framing did cowboys do?

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Length + width = half the perimeter, but more info eg area, is needed.

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A measuring tape is used to measure the length or distance between two points. It is commonly used in construction, sewing, and other applications where accurate measurements are needed.

Carpentry Framing Repair?

form_title=Carpentry Framing Repair form_header=7253 What framing type or types do you need repaired?*= [] Floor [] Non-bearing interior walls [] Load-bearing interior walls [] Exterior walls [] Wall sheathing [] Ceiling joists [] Roof framing [] Stairs [] Other Is the repair needed a result of dry rot or water damage?*= () Yes () No () Don't Know