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Q: The length of time needed to eliminate half of a dose of hormone is called?
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What are the importances of zinc?

This is because zinc is needed by the body to make insulin (the hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood), eliminate harmful toxins, and to maintain a healthy immune system.

Which hormone is needed to release adrenal hormone?

It is the hormone AcTH. It is secreted by Hypothalamus

Which hormone stimulates the production of testosterone?

Hormones are regulated by what are called negative feedback mechanisms. When more is needed, more will be released and the opposite is true when there is enough. For example, the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone decreases as the amount of circulating estrogen increases.

What is the anterior pituitary hormone needed for spermatogenesis?

In men, follicle stimulating hormone starts spermatogenesis. This hormone is also abbreviated FSH.

What hormone is needed for normal bone development and maintenance?


What substances is stored in bones and released when it is needed?

Parathyroid hormone

What hormone is needed thyroxine production?

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is needed for the production of thyroxine (T4). TSH is produced by the pituitary gland.

What hormone can cause a miscarriage?

It's not the hormone but the lack of it that can cause miscarriage. It's the lack of Progesterone which is the hormone that is required to maintain a healthy pregnancy. It's produced by the ovary until the placenta has matured and after that when needed.

How do you develop girls brest?

The hormone Estrogen is what produces female attributes. The hormone Testosterone is what produces male features and lack of female features. The hormone drugs can be prescribed from a doctor if absolutely needed. There usually needs to be a medical reason for this.

How long does hormone replacement therapy typically last?

The hormone replacement therapy pellet lasts about 3-4 months, and the pill is taken daily. Both must be prescribed by a doctor, typically one specializing in hormone replacement therapy. Natural bio-identical hormones are the best, not synthetic ones. The therapy is needed until your hormones are in balance. The length of time for this therapy is best discussed with your doctor, as it is specific to your needs & your body’s ability to produce the correct amount (not over or under) of hormones.

What hormone is released when your blood glucose levels fall too low?

Glucagon is the hormone released by the kidneys when blood sugar levels fall too low. This hormone forces the liver to break down glycogen into glucose needed by the cells.

How do you calculate concrete needed?

length*breadth*depth of the structure=...........m3 of concrete is needed. .