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Q: The line joining the areas having the same rainfall is called?
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Which type of rainfall is caused by mountains in the way?

Orographic rainfall is caused by mountains forcing moist air to rise, cool, and condense, leading to precipitation. This type of rainfall typically occurs on the windward side of the mountain range.

What are lines joining areas with equal air pressure called?


What are lines on a map joining areas of similar pressure called?


What name is given to lines on a map joining points of equal rainfall?

Because rainfall is very variable and localized, it is not generally displayed as a line on any given map. The usual depiction is by color code, which refers to areas of a similar amounts of rainfall expressed in millimeters.

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What does marginal rainfall mean?

Marginal rainfall refers to low or minimal amounts of rainfall that might not be enough to significantly impact water resources or ecosystems. It can indicate below-average precipitation levels in a region, leading to potential drought conditions and water scarcity.

What is isthmus in scocial studies?

a narrow strip of land having water on each side and joining two larger areas of land

Which town in the UK has the lowest average rainfall?

St. Asaph in Denbighshire, Wales, is known for having the lowest average rainfall in the UK. The town receives around 32 inches of rainfall per year, making it one of the driest areas in the country.

Area receiving rainfall over 400 cm and area receiving less than 20 cm rainfall?

Areas that receive over 400 cm of rainfall are rain forests. The areas that receive less than 20 cm of rainfall are desert areas.

What areas of Brazil experiences the most rainfall?

the rainy areas

Anyone having Lincoln LS promblems?

The Lincoln LS is specifically not well suited for use in the Northeast US, areas with significant rainfall, or areas in which salt is used to clear snow and ice from roadways.

Why are deserts not included in drought areas?

If a desert has not been receiving normal rainfall, it is included in drought areas. If rainfall is normal or above, it would not be included.