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Q: The line segment of a three dimensional figure?
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What are edges?

The line segment where the faces of a three-dimensional figure meet.edegs dont exist. your a liar~N/A

What are the one dimensional figures?

A line segment is the only one-dimensional figure.

Is a line segment two-dimensional?

A line segment not a two-dimensional

How can grow to become three dimensional object is a line segment?

Two dimensions object

What is a one-dimensional figure?

A point has no dimensions.A line, ray or segment is one dimensional.Squares, circles, rectangles, ellipses, parabolas, etc. have two dimensions.Cubes, spheres, cylinders, polyhedrons, etc. have three dimensions.

What three dimensional figure is formed when a circle is rotate about a line through its center?


Is a segment one dimentional?

A line segment is one dimensional. It only has length.

What is a part of a line that has no beginning and end?

A line segment is a part of a line that has a specific beginning and end point. In contrast, a line is a one-dimensional geometric figure that extends infinitely in both directions without end points. Therefore, a line is the part of a line that has no beginning and end.

What figure represents a line?

A line segment

What is edges on a three dimensional figure?

It is the intersection of two planes or the line joining two vertices.

There are two circles on large and one small what one has the greater mass?

A circle is a 2-dimensional plane figure composed of a line segment on which every point is the same distancefrom a single point that is not on the line segment. As such, a circle has area but no mass.

What can be a one dimensional figure?

A line.