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transverse axis

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Q: The line segment that connects the two vertices of a hyperbola is called?
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The line segment that connects the two vertices of a hyperbola is called the axis?


The line segment that connects the two vertices of a hyperbola is called the axis.?


A line segment that connects the two vertices of a hyperbola is called the axis?


A segment that connects two non-consecutive vertices of a polygon?

it is called a diagonal.

What is a line segment that connects opposite vertices of a closed figure?

I believe it may be called a diagonal.

A line segment that connects two non-adjacent sides of a polygon is called .?

A segment connecting any two non-adjacent vertices in a polygon is called

A line segment connecting two vertices of a polygon?

A line segment connecting two vertices of a polygon is called an edge if the vertices are adjacent to one another. Otherwise it is called a diagonal.

What is each line segment of a polygon called?

A line segment joining two adjacent vertices of a polygon is called an edge or a side. A line segment joining two non-adjacent vertices is called a diagonal.

What is a line segment that passes through the center of a line segment?

this is called a vertices.

What is the point halfway between a hyperbola's two vertices called?

You maybe thinking of its line of symmetry or point of contact

What is a line segment conecting two vertices of a polygon called?

Adjacent vertices: side Non-adjacent: diagonal

What figure which is made up of line segment called sides and joined at endpoints called vertices?

Well a triangle has 3 sides and vertices.