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Q: The majority of Americans more than 80 percent get enough physical excircise every day true or false?
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Native Americans 3 percent

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Most Americans these days, what with the tough economy and all, actually tend to save the majority of their paychecks as soon as they get them on payday. Some people spend them, but only the necessary amount.

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What percent of Americans can whistle?

Hard to say. Although I doubt any sort of survey has been done on this, I would assume the majority of Americans consider themselves to have the ability to whistle.

Most Americans .?

The high majority is monotheistic, the next highest with 10-25% is atheist/agnostic, and a very slim percent is polytheistic.

Are most Americans monotheistic?

The high majority is monotheistic, the next highest with 10-25% is atheist/agnostic, and a very slim percent is polytheistic.

Where was More than 65 percent of Americans in 1820?

More than 65 percent of Americans in 1820 lived in rural areas or on farms. The United States was primarily an agrarian society at that time, with the majority of the population engaged in agricultural activities.

Does a Simple Majority vote over rule Ontario Condo board rules which require 90 percent majority?

If the association's governing documents require a 90 percent majority as a vote to approve a matter, then that is what is required. A simple majority does not satisfy the 90 percent majority requirement. Generally, the 90 percent majority indicates a majority of owners. No even a simple majority of board members can overwhelm this requirement.

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Acceptance is growing. As of 2011, the majority of Americans accept gay people, with 51% in favor of same sex marriage.

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Approximately 79% of African Americans identify as Christian, with the majority belonging to either Baptist or Protestant denominations.

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