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Lamda = 1.90*10^-34

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Q: The mass of a golf ball is 45.9 If it leaves the tee with a speed of 76.0 what is its corresponding wavelength?
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The mass of a golf ball is 45.9 g If it leaves the tee with a speed of 80.0 ms what is its corresponding wavelength?

To find the wavelength of the golf ball, we need to use the de Broglie wavelength formula: λ = h / mv, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J s), m is the mass of the golf ball (convert to kg), v is the velocity of the golf ball. Plugging in the values, we get the wavelength of the golf ball.

Which has a larger wavelength a slow moving photon or a fast moving golf ball?

A slow moving photon has a longer wavelength compared to a fast moving golf ball. Wavelength is inversely proportional to speed, so the slower the object, the longer the wavelength.

The mass of a golf ball is 45.9 g If it leaves the tee with a speed of 60.0 ms what is its corresponding wavelength?

To calculate the wavelength, we need to use the de Broglie wavelength formula: λ = h / (mv), where h is the Planck constant (6.626 x 10^-34 m^2 kg / s), m is the mass of the golf ball in kg (0.0459 kg), v is the velocity of the golf ball in m/s (60 m/s). Plugging in the values, we find that the wavelength of the golf ball is approximately 0.36 x 10^-34 m.

Is the speed of cricket ball measured at bowler's end or at batsmen's end?

The speed is measured by radar from the batsman's end as the ball leaves the bowlers hand.

Do you note speed of ball after pitching or before pitching?

The speed of ball is usually measured when it leaves the bowler's hand. The ball rapidly decelerates as it approaches the batsman, further decelerating after it pitches.

Is the speed of a pitch on the radar an average speed or the speed as the ball crosses the plate?

most radar guns record the speed of the ball as it leaves the pitcher's hand. However, on some guns, you can program it to record the speed as it crossed the plate as well.

A baseball player hits a foul ball straight up in the air it leaves the the bat with the speed of 120 km in absence of air resistance how fast will the ball be traveling when the catcher catches it?

The ball will be traveling at the same speed when it returns to Earth.

Does reactive bowling ball increase ball speed?

No. The highest ball speed you can register is the moment it leaves your hand. After that moment friction slows the ball down. Generally if a bowling alley has speed sensors at the pin deck the register speed is about 1.5mph slower than when the ball left your hand. Being that reactive resin has a higher coefficient of drag against the lane it will slow your ball down more than if our threw a plastic house ball in similar shape.

Why is the wavelength of a moving soccer ball not detectable to the naked eye?

The wavelength of a moving soccer ball is not detectable to the naked eye because it is much smaller than the resolution capability of the human eye. The speed of the ball is also not fast enough for its wavelength to be compressed into the visible spectrum. Therefore, the motion of the ball appears continuous rather than showing individual waves.

How do you tell the kinetic energy of a ball when it leaves a gun?

To calculate the kinetic energy of a ball leaving a gun, you can use the formula KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the ball and v is its velocity. By measuring or determining the mass of the ball and the velocity at which it leaves the gun, you can calculate its kinetic energy.

How do you get a speed ball in emerald?

speed ball is not avalible in emerald

Would a slow moving proton or a fast moving golf ball have a larger wavelength?

fast moving Golf ball.