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Kilogram or ton.

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Q: The mass of a large rock could be measured in what?
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Mass of rock?

Mass is measured by density multiplied by volume. In order to figure out a mass of a rock, one must know its density and its volume measurements.

What is the unit and tool of a mass of rock?

The unit of mass of a rock is typically measured in kilograms (kg) or grams (g). A common tool to measure the mass of a rock is a balance scale or a digital scale.

Would most appropriately have its mass and volume measured in grams and milliliters respectively?

A solid object, such as a rock or a metal bar, would most appropriately have its mass measured in grams and its volume measured in milliliters.

What tool can be used to compare the mass of a large rock to the mass of two wooden blocks?

A balance scale can be used to compare the mass of a large rock to the mass of two wooden blocks. Place the rock on one side of the scale and the two blocks on the other side. By observing which side tips down, you can determine which has more mass.

Which tool can be used to compare the mass of a large rock to the mass of two wooden blocks?

A balance scale can be used to compare the mass of a large rock to the mass of two wooden blocks. Place the large rock on one side of the scale and the two wooden blocks on the other side. The side that tilts down lower will indicate which set of objects has a greater mass.

What is the density if a rock is 212 mass and the volume is 12g?

This question cannot be answered for the following reasons: 1. There are no units for the mass of the rock. It could be 212 kilograms, pounds, tons etc. 2. The volume cannot be measured in g - which stands for grams (a measure of mass). It is not possible to determine whether the volume is in litres, cubic feet or any other measure.

A large irregular-shaped intrusive body?

This could be a batholith, which is a large mass of igneous rock that formed beneath the Earth's surface. Batholiths are often composed of granitic rock and can cover extensive areas. They are typically exposed through erosion processes over time.

What is a large tall mass of rock with steep sides higher a hill?

It is a mountain.

A large mass of intrusive igneous rock that is beneath the earths surface is a?

batholith!! :)

How do you use mass in a scientific sentence?

Mass is a measure of how much matter an object contains, typically measured in kilograms. In a scientific sentence, you might say "The mass of the rock is 5 kilograms."

Large mass of rock that collapses or slides down a sloping surface?

r0ck s1ide

What is a mass of rock when a large body of magma cools inside the crust?

A Batholith or Pluton.