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yes because it is

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Q: The mass of an apple measured by a beam balance is the same on earth and on the moon?
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Mass is measured with what?

Mass is measured with a Triple Beam Balance. Yes it is.

What is mass how is it measured?

Think of Mass as the amount of Matter("Stuff") in an object. Mass is measured with a "Triple Beam Balance".

How is the mass of an object measured using a beam balance?

The mass of an object is measured using a beam balance by comparing the weight of the object to standard weights placed on the other side of the balance. When the balance is level, the two weights are equal, indicating that the mass of the object is the same as the standard weight.

What is measured using a triple beam balance and is given in unit of grams?

The mass of objects.

If you slide the sliding weight on the front beam until what is matched up on a triple beam balance?

You should slide the sliding weight on the front beam until the pointer on the balance lines up with the zero mark on the scale. This indicates that the balance is at equilibrium, and you can then take the reading of the weight being measured on the triple beam balance.

What is measured by a triple beam balance?

a "triple-beam" is, or was, the scale of choice for drug dealers, but you could use it to weigh anything, up to it's limits.

What are the parts of triple beam balance and its function?

The parts of a triple beam balance include a pan to hold the object being measured, three beams marked with gram values for measuring mass, and riders that slide along the beams to adjust the balance. The function of a triple beam balance is to measure the mass of an object with greater accuracy than a typical spring balance.

What do you think determines the weight of an object?

mass is measured with a triple beam balance but the balance works because of gravity weight can change but mass cannot.

Are miracle berries available in stores?

No you get them from mckayla maroney after she is done with a triple beam balance and a eating an apple and the apple itself is actually the miracle berries

What is the least count in a beam balance?

The least count of a beam balance depends on the divisions marked on the scale. It is the smallest weight that can be measured using the balance. It is generally calculated as the value of one scale division divided by the total number of divisions on the scale.

How is mass measured?

you have to u measure it with a triple beam balance

Why does a beam balance measure mass?

A beam balance measures mass by comparing the weight of an object to a known standard weight. When the two sides of the balance are equal, the weights are the same, indicating the mass of the object being measured. This method works based on the principle of equilibrium and the force of gravity acting on the objects.