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Q: The material in Euclid's The Elements is considered outdated and is rarely taught in the modern classroom?
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Is the material in Euclid's The Elements considered outdated and rarely taught in the modern classroom?

Euclid's Elements is a treatise on plane geometry, that is, the geometry of figures in a plane, which is two-dimensional.As much as mathematics has advanced, we're never going to discard two-dimensional mathematics, since the three-dimensional world we live in is just an extension of it.So, no, Euclid's Elements is not now, nor will it ever be, "outdated." Its geometry will continue to be taught to elementary school children as long as humans persist.

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An outdated server is a server that is not up-to-date with the version you're playing on. For example, if you are on 1.8 and the server is on 1.7.9, it is considered outdated

When are sources considered outdated for APA writing?

In APA writing, sources are considered outdated if they are older than 10 years, unless they are seminal or foundational works in the field. It is important to use current research to support your arguments and ensure the information is up to date.

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Most pawn shops no longer accept VCR's because they are considered outdated.

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The Capon rooster is one that has been castrated. This changes the flavor and quality of the flesh and is considered of a higher quality. This method is considered outdated.

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The term "midget" is considered outdated and offensive. Additionally, age is not determined by height or stature.

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The proper name is Native American. The term "red Indian" is considered outdated and derogatory.

Is you rock an outdated phrase?

No, "you rock" is not outdated.

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No, radar technology is not considered outdated. It is still widely used in various applications such as air traffic control, weather monitoring, and military purposes. Advances in radar technology continue to be made to improve accuracy, sensitivity, and efficiency.

What is the opposite of outdated?

Outdated means obsolete, unfashionable, antiquated, and out of date. Something that is outdated is not modern and sometimes is no longer useful. The opposite of outdated is up-to-date or current.

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Functional obsolescence can occur with a pool if it is outdated or if it no longer meets the needs or preferences of the current homeowner. For example, a pool that is not well-maintained, outdated in design, or in need of expensive repairs may be considered functionally obsolete.

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Laptops are constantly being updated and with the release of new models, can quickly become outdated. In general, a laptop can be considered an old laptop in about two to three years.