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Q: The meeting began promptly at seven o'clock?
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in mod 12 which is the same as clock time... 6 oclock plus seven = 1 oclock

How long does a wrestling event last?

it depends on the brand raw goes on for two hours ecw goes on for one hour and smack down goes on for three hours all three brands go off at ten oclock central time raw starts at eight oclock central time ecw starts at nine oclock centeral time and smackdown starts at seven oclock central time

What is a seven letter word for encounter?

Meeting .

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Why was there a need for another meeting in Philadelphia during the critical period?

It was a meeting of seven from the Northern colonies for Albany plan of Union.

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seven days

Can you put the word teachers' in a sentence?

The teachers' meeting is scheduled for seven.

What was the result of seven colonies meeting in 1754?

Albany plan of union

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It began seven days after the kings has died

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The Seven Years war began from 1756 and ended in 1763

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What is the difference between a notice of meeting and an agenda?

Notice of meeting is prepared by the secretary inviting all members who are eligible to attend a meeting. Notice usually specify the date, time and venue of a meeting. Notice must be sent to members at least seven days before the meeting. An agenda is a list of business to be discussed at a meeting in order of preference.