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If it tore due to normal use (if you have a frenum/frenulum piercing you know what "use" implies) then your best bet would be to take it out and go in after it heals and have it pierced deeper.

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Q: The one end of your frenum piercing riped is there anything you can do to fix it?
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Is it possible to rip your frenum?

yes, my brother ripped his when he was one yr old. it does not affect his speaking though and when we brought him to hospital, doctors said they could not do anything it was ripped. end of story. he is absolutely fine now.

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It's still an Industrial piercing they just chose to use some other jewellery rather than a barbell in the piercing.

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Honestly, I have had my labret piercing for about 7 months now and I took it out for about 4 hours for a class. At the end when I tried to put the piercing back in it hurt. The hole were the piercing was seemed to have tightened up. It took a few hours for my piercing to feel like it usually does. So I would guess that a labret piercing would close up kinda fast

How do you pierce your own body?

You definitely should not attempt to pierce your own body. Instruments used for piercing need to be sterilized, you could do the piercing incorrectly, and you could end up with serious problems if the piercing is not performed correctly. If you can't get the piercing done by someone who is trained to do them, then you need to wait until you can.

Swollen nose piercing?

Well with new piercing this can sometimes be related to the aftercare products you are using. Lot's of new studios are pushing Dragon Mist and other woo woo magic aftercare sprays and lotions, most of these products end up reacting in anegative manner with the client's skin. I would suggest just rinsing the piercing under running water in the shower for a couple of days and leave the aftercare stuff out of the equation and see how your nose feels from there. Now if we are talking about a nostril piercing done with a piercing gun well that's another matter all together. Piercing guns are never to be used for anything other than ear lobe piercing, the stud is not designed nor intended to be used in a nostril. See you local professional body piercer to get a proper nostril screw put into the piercing, that should help the swelling issue.

Are there sticky belly rings instead of piercing?

There are false, non-piercing rings that can be used for belly jewelry. These usually have two beads on each end and simply clip on to the skin.

Is it okay for a new pierced belly ring to loosen up?

Yes It's an indication that the piercing is healing, just stay on top of your aftercare and you will end up with a great piercing.

What do you do if your industrial piercing has a cut on the end?

Is the cut related to the piercing or is it just from a scratch in that area? If its unrelated to the piercing, you can put some neosporin or any other antibacterial cream on it. Make sure its the cream and not the ointment because the ointment is too thick and can stop the piercing from breathing if the cut is close to the piercing. If the piercing hole looks like a slit because of the cut or migration, go see your piercer. You might need a custom bar or to remove the piercing and get it done again later.

Which side is the removable ball on a piercing bar?

The removable ball on a piercing bar is typically on one end of the barbell. It can be unscrewed to allow for easy insertion or removal of the barbell from the piercing.

Can you tan with a belly button piercing?

my first belly piercing was at the end of May of last year so right before summer and i swam, tanned, and changed the piercing all the time and noting happened to me. the only thing i recommend is just use sunscreen and you'll be fine :]