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Frequency = 1 / period = 1 / 0.807 = 1.2392 Hz (rounded)

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Q: The period of a sine wave is T equals 807 milliseconds What is the frequency of the wave in Hertz?
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What is the Frequency of a wave with a Period of 25 milliseconds?

The frequency of a wave is the reciprocal of the period. In this case, the frequency would be 1 divided by 25 milliseconds, which equals 40 Hertz (Hz).

How many hertz equals 5 milliseconds?

200Hertz is a frequency which represents the # of 'measurements' per second, and there are a 1000 milliseconds in a second.Therefore to find the # of hertz when you know the frequency is every 5 milliseconds you simply calculate1000ms/5ms = 200Hzjpp22

What is the period of a particle that has a frequency of 315 hertz?

The period of a particle is the inverse of its frequency. Therefore, for a particle with a frequency of 315 Hz, the period can be calculated as 1/315 Hz, which equals 0.00317 seconds.

What is the frequency of a wave if its period is 0.25 seconds?

The frequency of a wave is the inverse of its period. Therefore, if the period is 0.25 seconds, the frequency would be 1 divided by 0.25, which equals 4 Hz (Hertz).

Frequency multipled by hertz equals speed?

No; hertz is frequency.Frequency times wavelength equals speed of travel.

How may hertz in 4 ms?

To convert milliseconds to hertz, use the formula: Hz = 1000 / ms. Therefore, for 4 ms, the equivalent frequency in hertz would be 250 Hz.

50 hertz is what period of vibration?

A frequency of 50 Hz corresponds to a period of 0.02 seconds. Period is the time it takes for one complete cycle of a wave or vibration to occur.

What is the length of a 60 hertz sine wave?

The length of a 60 Hz sine wave is 1/60 second, which corresponds to a period of 16.67 milliseconds.

If a structure has a natural frequency of 1.2 hertz what is period in seconds?

The period of a structure is the inverse of its frequency. In this case, if the natural frequency is 1.2 Hz, the period would be 1/1.2, which equals 0.83 seconds.

The unit used to measure frequency is the?

hertz One hertz equals one cycle per second. One kilohertz equals one thousand cycles per second.

What is the period of a signal with a frequency of KHz?

1Hz is unit of frequency,which is equals to one cycle per second........................ ....................................................................................................shashi

What is an example for calculating hertz?

To calculate frequency in hertz (Hz), you can use the formula: f = 1/T, where f is the frequency in hertz and T is the period in seconds. For example, if the period of a wave is 0.02 seconds, the frequency in hertz would be 1/0.02 = 50 Hz.