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Q: The pharse prim and proper often applies to someone who is?
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The phrase prim and proper often applies to someone who is?

neat and tidy

What does it mean to excommunicate someone?

To excommunicate someone is to remove them from membership in your organization. This most often applies to religious organizations who remove individuals from their membership due to dissent.

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The rule that applies most closely to "deplore" is to express strong disapproval or condemnation for something or someone. This word often conveys a sense of strong regret or sadness over a situation.

Why do skinny people look sick?

A person that is skinny often looks sick due to a lack of proper nutrition. Someone that is underweight due to the lack of the proper nutrients often looks boney, and doesn't have the proper color tone to their skin. They are often missing the needed daily vitamins in their system also.

What are apparel?

The word applies to clothing, often outer garments

What is the proper spelling for a wigi board?

Often referred to as a spirit board the correct spelling of wigi board is Quija. It is a board game that is often used to help someone connect with spirits who have left this world.

What is the proper noun for Norwegian?

The word 'Norwegian' is a proper noun, a word for a person of or from Norway; a word for the language of Norway.The word 'Norwegian' is also a proper adjective, a word used to describe someone or something of or from Norway.When a noun or an adjective is based on a proper noun, they are a proper noun and a proper adjective.

How did Frida Kahlo use shading in her designs?

Very often she applies little or no shading.

What does that mean by the phrase within due course?

In due course means "all in good time" or that something will happen at the proper time. It is a saying that is often said to someone being impatient.

What is the proper definition of a diaper boy?

A diaper boy is a male person who has a sexual fetish for wearing a diaper. The person often defecates and or urinates in the diaper while wearing it, and requires someone to change the diaper.

How do you translate your name in another language?

You need to learn the other language, or find someone that knows the other language and ask them. Many names do not translate and on line translators often do not work with proper nouns.

When would a buzz saw be useful?

A buzz saw would be useful to someone undergoing a construction project. It is used to cut through things. Most often, it is cutting planks of wood to the proper size.